How to use the command 'ppmtoarbtxt' (with examples)

How to use the command 'ppmtoarbtxt' (with examples)

The ‘ppmtoarbtxt’ command is used to convert a PPM image to an arbitrary text format according to a template. It provides flexibility in customizing the output text based on the given template.

Use case 1: Convert a PPM image to text as specified by the given template


ppmtoarbtxt path/to/template path/to/image.ppm > path/to/output_file.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to convert a PPM image to text using a specific template. The template defines the structure and content of the resulting text.


  • ppmtoarbtxt: The main command used to convert the PPM image to arbitrary text format.
  • path/to/template: The path to the template file that defines the structure and content of the output text.
  • path/to/image.ppm: The path to the PPM image file to be converted.
  • > path/to/output_file.txt: Redirects the output text to the specified file.

Example output: The output file will contain the text representation of the PPM image as defined by the template.

Use case 2: Convert a PPM image to text as specified by the given template, prepend the contents of the specified head template


ppmtoarbtxt path/to/template -hd path/to/head_template path/to/image.ppm > path/to/output_file.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to add some header information to the resulting text. The head template can contain additional content that should be prepended to the converted image text.


  • ppmtoarbtxt: The main command used to convert the PPM image to arbitrary text format.
  • path/to/template: The path to the template file that defines the structure and content of the output text.
  • -hd: Specifies that a head template should be used.
  • path/to/head_template: The path to the head template file that contains the content to be prepended to the converted image text.
  • path/to/image.ppm: The path to the PPM image file to be converted.
  • > path/to/output_file.txt: Redirects the output text to the specified file.

Example output: The output file will contain the content from the head template followed by the text representation of the PPM image as defined by the template.

Use case 3: Convert a PPM image to text as specified by the given template, append the contents of the specified tail template


ppmtoarbtxt path/to/template -hd path/to/tail_template path/to/image.ppm > path/to/output_file.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to add some footer information to the resulting text. The tail template can contain additional content that should be appended to the converted image text.


  • ppmtoarbtxt: The main command used to convert the PPM image to arbitrary text format.
  • path/to/template: The path to the template file that defines the structure and content of the output text.
  • -hd: Specifies that a tail template should be used.
  • path/to/tail_template: The path to the tail template file that contains the content to be appended to the converted image text.
  • path/to/image.ppm: The path to the PPM image file to be converted.
  • > path/to/output_file.txt: Redirects the output text to the specified file.

Example output: The output file will contain the text representation of the PPM image as defined by the template, followed by the content from the tail template.

Use case 4: Display version


ppmtoarbtxt -version

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to check the version of the ‘ppmtoarbtxt’ command installed on your system.


  • ppmtoarbtxt: The main command used to convert the PPM image to arbitrary text format.
  • -version: Displays the version information of the ‘ppmtoarbtxt’ command.

Example output: The command will output the version information of the ‘ppmtoarbtxt’ command, such as the version number and build details.


The ‘ppmtoarbtxt’ command is a versatile tool for converting PPM images to text using customizable templates. It allows you to define the structure and content of the output text, and also provides options to prepend or append additional content to the resulting text.

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