How to use the command ppmtomitsu (with examples)

How to use the command ppmtomitsu (with examples)

The ppmtomitsu command is a tool used to convert a PPM image file to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file format. This command is part of the Netpbm software package and can be used for various purposes including image manipulation, resizing, and preparing images for printing. This article will illustrate different use cases of the ppmtomitsu command along with examples.

Use case 1: Convert a PPM image to a MITSU file

Convert a PPM image to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file by running the following command:

ppmtomitsu path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.mitsu

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you have a PPM image and want to convert it to the MITSU format, which is suitable for printing using a Mitsubishi printer. The ppmtomitsu command makes the conversion process seamless.


  • ppmtomitsu is the command name that converts the PPM image to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file format.
  • path/to/file.ppm specifies the path to the original PPM file.
  • The output of the command is redirected using the > symbol to path/to/file.mitsu, where the converted MITSU file will be saved.

Example output: The original PPM image is successfully converted to a MITSU file format and saved at the specified location.

Use case 2: Enlarge the image with specified sharpness and produce multiple copies

Enlarge the image by a specified factor, set the sharpness level, and produce multiple copies of the image using the following command:

ppmtomitsu -enlarge 2 -sharpness 3 -copy 5 path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.mitsu

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to enlarge the image, adjust the sharpness, and create multiple copies for printing. The ppmtomitsu command provides flexibility in resizing and enhancing the image according to your requirements.


  • ppmtomitsu is the command name used for image conversion and manipulation.
  • -enlarge 2 specifies that the image should be enlarged by a factor of 2.
  • -sharpness 3 sets the sharpness level to 3, which determines the clarity of the image.
  • -copy 5 indicates that 5 copies of the image will be produced.
  • path/to/file.ppm is the path to the original PPM image file.
  • The output of the command is redirected using the > symbol to path/to/file.mitsu, where the resulting MITSU file will be saved.

Example output: The original PPM image is enlarged by a factor of 2, with a sharpness level of 3, and 5 copies of the image are generated. The resulting MITSU file is saved at the specified location.

Use case 3: Specify the media for printing

Specify the media type for the printing process by executing the following command:

ppmtomitsu -media A4S path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.mitsu

Motivation: This use case is relevant when you need to specify the media type for the printing process. Different media types have different characteristics, such as size and surface, which can impact the printing output. The ppmtomitsu command allows you to control the media type based on your requirements.


  • ppmtomitsu is the command name used for converting the PPM image to the Mitsubishi S340-10 file format.
  • -media A4S specifies the media type as A4S, indicating the paper size and characteristics for printing.
  • path/to/file.ppm represents the path to the original PPM image file.
  • The output of the command is redirected using the > symbol to path/to/file.mitsu, where the resulting MITSU file will be saved.

Example output: The original PPM image is successfully converted to a MITSU file format, considering the specified media type A4S. The resulting file is saved at the specified location.


The ppmtomitsu command is a versatile tool for converting PPM images to the Mitsubishi S340-10 file format. It provides various options for resizing, adjusting sharpness, and specifying media for printing. By understanding the different use cases presented in this article, users can effectively utilize the ppmtomitsu command for their image processing and printing needs.

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