How to use the command ppmtosixel (with examples)

How to use the command ppmtosixel (with examples)

The ppmtosixel command is used to convert a PPM (Portable Pixmap) image to DEC sixel format. Sixel is a bitmap graphics file format, and DEC sixel format is specifically used for printing images on DEC terminals.

Use case 1: Convert a PPM image to DEC sixel format


ppmtosixel path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.sixel

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to convert a PPM image to the DEC sixel format. The converted image can then be printed or viewed on DEC terminals.


  • ppmtosixel is the command used to convert the PPM image to DEC sixel format.
  • path/to/file.ppm is the path to the input PPM image file.
  • > is the output redirection operator, which redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/file.sixel is the path where the converted sixel image file will be saved.

Example output: The PPM image file at path/to/file.ppm will be converted to DEC sixel format and saved as path/to/file.sixel.

Use case 2: Produce an uncompressed SIXEL file that is much slower to print


ppmtosixel -raw path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.sixel

Motivation: By using the -raw option, the command produces an uncompressed SIXEL file that may be slower to print but ensures compatibility with terminals that do not support compressed SIXEL files.


  • -raw is an option that instructs ppmtosixel to produce an uncompressed SIXEL file.
  • path/to/file.ppm is the path to the input PPM image file.
  • > is the output redirection operator, which redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/file.sixel is the path where the converted sixel image file will be saved.

Example output: The PPM image file at path/to/file.ppm will be converted to an uncompressed DEC sixel format and saved as path/to/file.sixel.

Use case 3: Add a left margin of 1.5 inches


ppmtosixel -margin path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.sixel

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to add a left margin to the converted image, especially if you plan to print it with specific formatting requirements. This use case adds a left margin of 1.5 inches to the converted DEC sixel image.


  • -margin is an option that specifies the margin to be added to the converted image.
  • path/to/file.ppm is the path to the input PPM image file.
  • > is the output redirection operator, which redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/file.sixel is the path where the converted sixel image file will be saved.

Example output: The PPM image file at path/to/file.ppm will be converted to DEC sixel format with a left margin of 1.5 inches and saved as path/to/file.sixel.

Use case 4: Encode control codes in a more portable way


ppmtosixel -7bit path/to/file.ppm > path/to/file.sixel

Motivation: By default, ppmtosixel uses 8-bit control codes to encode the image data. However, some systems may only support 7-bit control codes. Using the -7bit option ensures that the image is encoded in a more portable way, although it may take up slightly more space.


  • -7bit is an option that instructs ppmtosixel to encode the image data using 7-bit control codes.
  • path/to/file.ppm is the path to the input PPM image file.
  • > is the output redirection operator, which redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/file.sixel is the path where the converted sixel image file will be saved.

Example output: The PPM image file at path/to/file.ppm will be converted to DEC sixel format with 7-bit control code encoding and saved as path/to/file.sixel.


The ppmtosixel command is a versatile tool that allows you to convert PPM images to DEC sixel format. By using different options, you can customize the conversion process, such as adding a left margin or encoding the image data using 7-bit control codes. Whether you want to print the converted image or view it on a DEC terminal, ppmtosixel provides the necessary functionality.

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