How to use the command 'ppmtv' (with examples)

How to use the command 'ppmtv' (with examples)

The ‘ppmtv’ command is used to make a PPM image look like it was taken from an American TV. It allows you to apply an effect to the image and modify its appearance. The command provides various options to manipulate the image, such as dimming every other row of image data.

Use case 1: Give the PPM image an American TV appearance


ppmtv dim_factor path/to/file.ppm > path/to/output.ppm

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to give a PPM image the appearance of being displayed on an American TV. It adds a retro touch to the image and can be used for artistic or nostalgic purposes.


  • ppmtv: The command used to modify the image.
  • dim_factor: A number between 0 and 1 that specifies the dimming factor for every other row of image data. This factor determines how much the rows will be dimmed.
  • path/to/file.ppm: The path to the input PPM image file.
  • > path/to/output.ppm: Redirects the modified image output to the specified path and file name.

Example output: The PPM image will be modified to have the American TV appearance, with every other row dimmed based on the specified dimming factor.

Use case 2: Suppress all informational messages


ppmtv -quiet

Motivation: If you want to hide any informational messages generated by the ‘ppmtv’ command, you can use the ‘-quiet’ option. This helps to keep the command’s output clean and free from additional details.


  • ppmtv: The command used to modify the image.
  • -quiet: An option that suppresses all informational messages. It ensures that only the essential output is displayed.

Example output: The command will be executed silently, and no informational messages will be shown.

Use case 3: Display version


ppmtv -version

Motivation: Sometimes, it’s necessary to check the version of the ‘ppmtv’ command you are using. This information can be useful for troubleshooting purposes or to ensure that you are using the latest version.


  • ppmtv: The command used to modify the image.
  • -version: An option that displays the version of the ‘ppmtv’ command. It helps to identify the specific version you are working with.

Example output: The command will display the version of the ‘ppmtv’ command installed on your system. For example, it could output “ppmtv version 2.16”.


The ‘ppmtv’ command is a versatile tool for modifying PPM images to give them an American TV appearance. Whether you want to add a retro touch or create a nostalgic effect, the command provides various options to achieve the desired results. You can dim every other row of image data, suppress informational messages, and even check the version of the ‘ppmtv’ command. Experiment with these use cases to unlock the full potential of the ‘ppmtv’ command.

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