How to Manage Ubuntu Pro Services with 'pro' Command (with examples)

How to Manage Ubuntu Pro Services with 'pro' Command (with examples)

The ‘pro’ command is an essential tool specifically designed for managing Ubuntu Pro services on your system. Ubuntu Pro is a premium offering that provides long-term security maintenance and enhanced security features for both Ubuntu LTS and non-LTS releases. The ‘pro’ command enables you to attach your system to a support contract, check the security status, and manage vulnerabilities effectively.

Use case 1: Connect Your System to the Ubuntu Pro Support Contract


sudo pro attach


Attaching your system to the Ubuntu Pro support contract is crucial if you want to benefit from the extended security maintenance and enterprise-grade support that Ubuntu Pro offers. Doing so ensures your system is eligible for updates and support services, optimizing its performance and security.


  • sudo: This command elevates your privileges to superuser, which is required because attaching to the Ubuntu Pro support typically involves updating system configurations.
  • pro: The command-line utility to manage Ubuntu Pro services.
  • attach: This argument connects or registers your current system with an Ubuntu Pro support contract.

Example Output:

Enter your Ubuntu Pro Support Contract token: 

Upon successful entry of your support contract token, the system is registered and ready to receive exclusive Ubuntu Pro services.

Use case 2: Display the Status of Ubuntu Pro Services


pro status


Regularly checking the status of Ubuntu Pro services helps administrators ensure all features are enabled and functioning as expected. It offers insights into which services are active, which are disabled, and any issues that might be affecting the system.


  • pro: The command-line utility for managing Ubuntu Pro services.
  • status: This argument retrieves and displays current status information about the Ubuntu Pro services.

Example Output:

esm                enabled
livepatch          disabled
kernel livepatch   enabled

This output provides a clear overview of the active services and their statuses on the system.

Use case 3: Check and Fix System Vulnerabilities


pro fix CVE-number


System vulnerabilities can pose significant threats, potentially compromising security and stability. Using the ‘pro fix’ command allows administrators to identify if the system is affected by specific vulnerabilities, as identified by CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) numbers, and apply available fixes, enhancing security posture.


  • pro: The command-line utility for managing Ubuntu Pro services.
  • fix: An action argument indicating the intention to rectify a specific security issue.
  • CVE-number: The placeholder for a specific CVE identifier you want to address. It helps pinpoint which vulnerabilities need attention.

Example Output:

Checking vulnerability CVE-2023-12345...
CVE-2023-12345 is fixed on this system.

This reflects the command’s ability to confirm or mitigate security issues efficiently.

Use case 4: Display the Number of Unsupported Packages


pro security-status


Knowing the number of unsupported packages is essential for maintaining the security and stability of your Ubuntu system. Unsupported packages do not receive updates or security patches, thus representing potential vulnerabilities. This command provides a quick overview, helping you prioritize updates or removals.


  • pro: The command-line utility for managing Ubuntu Pro services.
  • security-status: This argument analyzes the system to report on the supported and unsupported packages’ statuses.

Example Output:

Packages: 231 (supported), 5 (unsupported)

Such output concisely informs administrators about the security status of packages installed on their systems.

Use case 5: List Packages No Longer Available for Download


pro security-status --unavailable


Identifying packages that are no longer available for download is crucial in understanding potential risks in your software environment. These packages may lack crucial updates and pose security threats. The command helps administrators to identify and consider replacing or removing these packages.


  • pro: The command-line utility for managing Ubuntu Pro services.
  • security-status: This base argument provides an overview of security-related package information.
  • --unavailable: A flag that specifies to list packages not presently available for download.

Example Output:

No longer available: package-name1, package-name2

This information helps to maintain a current and more secure package repository on your system.

Use case 6: List Third-Party Packages


pro security-status --thirdparty


Understanding the third-party packages installed on your system is vital as these packages might not receive the same rigorous security updates as Ubuntu-managed ones. By listing them, one can evaluate whether they continue to meet security and functionality needs.


  • pro: The command-line utility for managing Ubuntu Pro services.
  • security-status: This argument provides a summary of package security statuses.
  • --thirdparty: A flag that directs the command to focus on third-party (non-Ubuntu maintained) packages.

Example Output:

Third-party packages: extra-package1, extra-package2

Reporting these packages lets administrators verify the origin and update paths for all installed software, ensuring their systems remain secure.


The ‘pro’ command for managing Ubuntu Pro services is a powerful tool that enhances system security and offers in-depth management of Ubuntu Pro’s premium offerings. By using these commands effectively, system administrators can maintain robust security, ensure compliance with security standards, and efficiently manage the system’s software environment. Embracing these capabilities means embracing a more secure and reliable computing environment.

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