How to Use the Command 'Projucer' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'Projucer' (with Examples)

Projucer is a command-line project manager for applications built using the JUCE framework. It provides various functionalities to streamline and automate project management tasks, from updating project files to generating new projects. Projucer’s command-line tools are a vital resource for developers looking to enhance their productivity with JUCE. In this article, we’ll explore several use cases of the Projucer command to demonstrate its versatility and practical applications.

Use Case 1: Display Information About a Project


Projucer --status path/to/project_file


Understanding the current status of a project is crucial for effective project management. This command lets developers quickly retrieve essential information about a project, such as its current configuration and settings. It is particularly useful when working within large teams or on complex projects where keeping track of various parameters is of utmost importance.


  • --status: This flag is used to request the status of a project. It triggers Projucer to display information about the specified project file.

  • path/to/project_file: This is the path to the project file you want to inspect. It tells Projucer exactly which project you are interested in.

Example Output:

Project Name: MyApp
Version: 1.0.0
Modules: juce_core, juce_gui_basics
Targets: Standalone, VST3
Last Modified: 2023-01-15

Use Case 2: Resave All Files and Resources in a Project


Projucer --resave path/to/project_file


As a project evolves, it’s often necessary to resave files and resources to ensure that the latest versions are being utilized. This process can help in syncing changes across different platforms or tools being used. In collaborative environments, ensuring that all modifications are properly saved is essential to prevent discrepancies in production environments.


  • --resave: This command forces Projucer to re-save all project files and associated resources. It acts as a reset to update all project components in line with current configurations.

  • path/to/project_file: Specifies the location of the project which needs its files and resources to be resaved.

Example Output:

Resaving project files for 'MyApp'...
Project files updated successfully.

Use Case 3: Update the Version Number in a Project


Projucer --set-version version_number path/to/project_file


Version management is a key aspect of software development. Updating the version number in a project helps in maintaining a clear historical record of changes and allows developers to track and manage different stages of software evolution. It’s crucial for release management and can contribute to effective debugging and feature tracking.


  • --set-version: This argument is used to update the version number of the project. It ensures the project metadata reflects the latest version change.

  • version_number: The new version number you want to assign to your project. It should follow a logical progression from the current version.

  • path/to/project_file: Indicates the specific project file for which you want to change the version number.

Example Output:

Project version updated to 2.0.0 for 'MyApp'.

Use Case 4: Generate a JUCE Project from a PIP File


Projucer --create-project-from-pip path/to/PIP path/to/output


Creating projects from PIP (Project Information Package) files is a streamlined method for initializing a project’s structure. This feature is especially beneficial when starting new projects based on predefined templates or when reproducing existing project setups. It saves significant time in the setup phase and ensures consistency in project configurations.


  • --create-project-from-pip: This argument tells Projucer to generate a new project using the details specified in a PIP file.

  • path/to/PIP: Denotes the file path of the PIP file containing the necessary project scaffolding details.

  • path/to/output: The destination directory where the newly generated project files will be saved.

Example Output:

Project generated successfully from PIP file at '/myProjects/NewApp'.

Use Case 5: Remove All JUCE-Style Comments


Projucer --tidy-divider-comments path/to/target_folder


Code readability and maintenance are improved by keeping the codebase clean from unnecessary clutter. JUCE-style divider comments, while helpful during development, can become redundant. Removing these comments can declutter the code and make it more maintainable, especially in long-term projects or when handing off to a different development team.


  • --tidy-divider-comments: This command instructs Projucer to locate and remove all specific JUCE divider comments from the codebase.

  • path/to/target_folder: Specifies the target directory containing the files you want to clean up.

Example Output:

Divider comments removed in files under '/myProjects/MyApp'.

Use Case 6: Display Help


Projucer --help


Accessing detailed documentation and command options is essential for effectively utilizing any tool. This command provides users with the necessary overview of all available commands and their descriptions. It is extremely useful for new users or when exploring less frequently used commands.


  • --help: This flag is used to display the help information that includes a list of all commands, their uses, and additional details for executing them.

Example Output:

Projucer - Command Line Tools

--status [path]        : Display information about a project.
--resave [path]        : Resave all files and resources in a project.
--set-version [ver] [path] : Update the version number in a project.
--create-project-from-pip [pip] [output] : Generate a JUCE project from a PIP file.
--tidy-divider-comments [folder] : Remove all JUCE-style comments.
--help                 : Display this help message.


Using the Projucer command-line tools can significantly enhance productivity and streamline workflow when working with JUCE projects. The command’s various utilities—from displaying project information to removing unnecessary comments—equip developers with the necessary capabilities to manage and optimize their projects efficiently. By harnessing Projucer’s functions, teams can ensure that their project setup, maintenance, and versioning processes are robust and effective.

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