Using the Protector Command to Protect and Free Branches on GitHub Repositories (with examples)

Using the Protector Command to Protect and Free Branches on GitHub Repositories (with examples)

Use Case 1: Protecting branches of a GitHub repository


protector branches_regex -repos organization/repository


When working on a GitHub repository, it is important to protect certain branches to prevent accidental changes or force pushes. By using the Protector command with the branches_regex option, you can create branch protection rules for the specified branches in the given repository.


  • branches_regex: This argument specifies the regular expression pattern to match the branch names. You can use a regular expression to match multiple branches or a specific branch name.
  • -repos organization/repository: This argument specifies the GitHub repository where the branch protection rules should be applied. Replace “organization” with your GitHub organization or username, and “repository” with the name of the repository.

Example Output

After executing the command, the specified branches in the specified repository will be protected according to the rules defined in the Protector command.

Use Case 2: Dry run to see what would be protected


protector -dry-run branches_regex -repos organization/repository


Before applying branch protection rules to a GitHub repository, it is often useful to see what changes would be made without actually applying them. By using the -dry-run option with the Protector command, you can simulate the protection process and view the potential outcomes.


  • -dry-run: This option simulates the branch protection process without actually applying any changes. It allows you to see what branches would be protected based on the provided arguments.
  • branches_regex and -repos: Same as explained in Use Case 1.

Example Output

The command will output a list of branches in the specified repository that would be protected based on the provided branch protection rules. This allows you to verify if the desired branches will be protected before applying the changes.

Use Case 3: Freeing branches of a GitHub repository


protector -free branches_regex -repos organization/repository


There may be instances where you need to remove branch protection rules from certain branches in a GitHub repository. By using the -free option with the Protector command, you can delete the existing branch protection rules and free the specified branches.


  • -free: This option removes the branch protection rules from the specified branches in the given repository.
  • branches_regex and -repos: Same as explained in Use Case 1.

Example Output

After executing the command, the specified branches in the specified repository will have their protection rules removed, allowing for unrestricted changes on those branches.

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