Using psexec (with examples)

Using psexec (with examples)


The psexec command is a powerful tool that allows users to execute command-line processes on remote machines. It provides administrators with the ability to remotely manage and control systems by executing commands or running programs on remote hosts. This article will explore five different use cases of the psexec command, along with their respective code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Execute a command using cmd in a remote shell

psexec \\remote_host cmd

Motivation: This use case allows administrators to gain remote shell access to a target machine, enabling them to execute commands and perform administrative tasks.

Explanation: The psexec command is used to execute a command-line process on the remote machine specified by remote_host. In this case, we use the cmd command to launch a remote shell session.

Example Output: Once the command is executed, a new command prompt will appear, indicating that a remote shell session has been established.

Use Case 2: Execute a command on a remote host (pre-authenticated)

psexec \\remote_host -u user_name -p password

Motivation: This use case is useful when administrators need to authenticate and execute a command on a remote machine without manually entering credentials during runtime.

Explanation: The psexec command allows the user to specify the username and password using the -u and -p options, respectively. By providing these credentials, the command can authenticate with the remote host and execute the specified command.

Example Output: By supplying the correct username and password, the command will execute the given command on the remote machine, displaying the output in the local console.

Use Case 3: Execute a command remotely and output the result to a file

psexec \\remote_host cmd /c command -an ^>path\to\file.txt

Motivation: This use case allows users to execute a command on a remote machine and save the output to a file for later analysis or reference.

Explanation: In this example, we combine the psexec command with the cmd command to execute a command remotely. The /c flag with the cmd command allows us to specify the command we want to execute. The >path\to\file.txt portion redirects the command output to the specified file path.

Example Output: After executing the command, the output will be written to the specified file location, allowing users to access and review the results at their convenience.

Use Case 4: Execute a program to interact with users

psexec \\remote_host -d -i program_name

Motivation: This use case is helpful in scenarios where administrators need to execute a program that interacts with users on a remote machine. It allows them to remotely launch programs that require user input or involve graphical interfaces.

Explanation: The -d flag tells psexec to run the program as a detached process. The -i flag indicates that the program should run interactively, which means it will have access to the desktop of the logged-in user. program_name specifies the program to be executed.

Example Output: After executing the command, the specified program will run on the remote machine, providing the necessary interaction and functionality that it offers to users.

Use Case 5: Display the IP configuration of the remote host

psexec \\remote_host ipconfig /all

Motivation: This use case enables administrators to retrieve the IP configuration details of a remote machine, allowing them to troubleshoot network connectivity issues or perform network-related tasks.

Explanation: Here, we use the ipconfig command as the command-line process to be executed on the remote host. The /all option instructs ipconfig to display detailed information about all network interfaces on the remote machine.

Example Output: Upon execution, the command will retrieve and display the IP configuration information, including IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateways, and other network-related details of the remote host.


The psexec command facilitates remote administration by providing a way to execute command-line processes on remote machines. In this article, we explored five different use cases of psexec, each with their respective code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs. By familiarizing yourself with these use cases, you can leverage the power of psexec to efficiently manage and control remote systems.

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