How to use the command psidtopgm (with examples)

How to use the command psidtopgm (with examples)

The command psidtopgm is used to convert PostScript image data to a PGM image. It takes a PS file as input and generates a PGM image with specified dimensions and quality. This command is especially useful when you need to convert PostScript images to a PGM format for further processing or analysis.

Use case 1: Convert the image data in a PS file to a PGM image of the specified dimensions and quality


psidtopgm width height bits_per_sample path/to/ > path/to/image.pgm


One possible motivation for using this command is to convert a PostScript image to a PGM image format while specifying dimensions and quality. This can be helpful when you want to control the output size and quality of the image.


  • width: Specifies the width of the output PGM image in pixels.
  • height: Specifies the height of the output PGM image in pixels.
  • bits_per_sample: Specifies the number of bits per sample in the output PGM image. This determines the grayscale levels of the image.
  • path/to/ Specifies the path to the input PS file that contains the image data.
  • path/to/image.pgm: Specifies the path and filename for the output PGM image.

Example output:

You can use the following command to convert a PS file to a PGM image with a width of 800 pixels, a height of 600 pixels, and 8 bits per sample:

psidtopgm 800 600 8 > output.pgm

This will read the image data from, convert it to a PGM image with the specified dimensions and quality, and save the output as output.pgm.

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