How to use the command pueue clean (with examples)

How to use the command pueue clean (with examples)

The pueue clean command is used to remove all finished tasks from the list and clear the logs. This is useful when you want to clean up your task list and remove any unnecessary clutter.

Use case 1: Remove finished tasks and clear logs


pueue clean

Motivation: You may have a long list of finished tasks that you no longer need to keep track of. By using the pueue clean command, you can easily remove all these finished tasks from the list, making it easier to manage and navigate through your task queue.

Explanation: The clean subcommand is used to remove all finished tasks from the task list. By running pueue clean, you are effectively removing these finished tasks and clearing up the task list. Additionally, this command also clears the logs associated with these finished tasks, freeing up any disk space that was occupied by the logs.

Example output:

Successfully removed all finished tasks.
Cleared logs.

Use case 2: Only clean commands that finished successfully


pueue clean --successful-only

Motivation: You may only want to remove tasks that have been completed successfully from the task list and clear their associated logs. This can be useful when you only want to clean up finished tasks that were executed without any errors or issues.

Explanation: The --successful-only flag is used to specify that only tasks that finished successfully should be cleaned. By appending --successful-only to the pueue clean command, you are instructing the command to only remove tasks that have a successful status from the task list.

Example output:

Successfully removed all finished tasks (successful only).
Cleared logs.


The pueue clean command is a handy tool for managing and cleaning up your task list. Whether you want to remove all finished tasks or just clean up successful ones, this command provides a simple and efficient way to do so. By using the various options and flags available, you can customize the behavior of the command to suit your needs.

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