How to use the command `pueue follow` (with examples)

How to use the command `pueue follow` (with examples)

The pueue follow command is used to follow the output of a currently running task. It allows you to see the real-time output of a task as it is being executed. This can be useful for monitoring the progress and status of tasks.

Use case 1: Follow the output of a task (stdout + stderr)


pueue follow task_id

Motivation: The pueue follow command is useful when you want to monitor the output of a task in real-time. For example, if you are running a long-running task and want to keep track of its progress or if you need to troubleshoot an issue by inspecting its output, you can use pueue follow to follow the task’s stdout and stderr streams.

Explanation: The follow sub-command is used to follow the output of a task. The task_id argument specifies the ID of the task whose output you want to follow. This command will continuously stream the stdout and stderr of the task to your terminal.

Example output:

stdout: Task started
stderr: Error: File not found
stdout: Task running...
stdout: Task completed

In this example, the output of the task is displayed in real-time. The task prints various messages to stdout and stderr as it progresses. By using pueue follow, you can see the output as it happens.

Use case 2: Follow stderr of a task


pueue follow --err task_id

Motivation: Sometimes, you may only be interested in following the stderr output of a task. This can be useful if you know that all the relevant information or error messages are being printed to stderr and you want to filter out the regular stdout output.

Explanation: To follow only the stderr output of a task, you can use the --err flag along with the task_id argument. This command will only stream the stderr output of the task to your terminal.

Example output:

stderr: Error: File not found
stderr: Task failed with exit code 1
stderr: Another error occurred

In this example, only the stderr output of the task is displayed in real-time. The task prints error messages to stderr, while any regular output is ignored. By using pueue follow --err, you can focus on the error messages and quickly identify any issues with the task.


The pueue follow command is a handy tool for monitoring the output of a task in real-time. Whether you need to track the progress of a long-running task or troubleshoot issues by inspecting the output, pueue follow provides a convenient way to follow the stdout and stderr streams of a task. Additionally, by using the --err flag, you can choose to only follow the stderr output, ignoring any regular stdout output.

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