How to use the command 'pueue group' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pueue group' (with examples)

This article will guide you on how to use the ‘pueue group’ command for displaying, adding, and removing groups. The ‘pueue group’ command is part of the Pueue task manager, which can help you manage parallel execution of tasks and commands in the terminal.

Use case 1: Show all groups with their statuses and number of parallel jobs


pueue group

Motivation: The motivation behind using this command is to get an overview of all existing groups along with their statuses and the number of parallel jobs currently running.

Explanation: The ‘pueue group’ command, without any additional arguments, shows all the groups’ names, their statuses (e.g., running, paused), and the number of parallel jobs currently running in each group.

Example output:

Group: default
  Status: running
  Jobs: 2

Group: group_1
  Status: paused
  Jobs: 1

Group: group_2
  Status: idle
  Jobs: 0

Group: group_3
  Status: idle
  Jobs: 0

In the example output, we can observe that there are four groups: ‘default’, ‘group_1’, ‘group_2’, and ‘group_3’. The ‘default’ group is currently running two parallel jobs, ‘group_1’ is paused with one job, and ‘group_2’ and ‘group_3’ are idle with no jobs.

Use case 2: Add a custom group


pueue group --add "group_name"

Motivation: The motivation behind using this command is to add a custom group to classify and manage specific tasks or commands separately.

Explanation: The ‘pueue group –add “group_name”’ command allows you to add a new group with the specified name. This helps in organizing and managing tasks or commands that belong to a particular category or have a common purpose.

Example output:

Successfully added group 'custom_group'.

In the example output, the command successfully adds a new group called ‘custom_group’.

Use case 3: Remove a group and move its tasks to the default group


pueue group --remove "group_name"

Motivation: The motivation behind using this command is to remove a specific group and transfer its tasks to the default group for uniform management and execution.

Explanation: The ‘pueue group –remove “group_name”’ command removes the specified group and automatically moves its tasks to the default group. This helps in simplifying the overall organization and management of tasks or commands by consolidating them into a single default group.

Example output:

Successfully removed group 'group_to_remove'. All associated tasks have been moved to the 'default' group.

In the example output, we can see that the specified group ‘group_to_remove’ has been successfully removed, and all the associated tasks from that group have been transferred to the ‘default’ group.


The ‘pueue group’ command is a useful tool for managing groups and their related tasks in the Pueue task manager. By using the ‘pueue group’ command, you can easily display the status and number of parallel jobs in each group, add custom groups for specific categorization, and remove unwanted groups while seamlessly transferring their tasks to the default group. This command provides an efficient way to organize and manage your tasks or commands, allowing for better control and prioritization in parallel task execution.

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