How to use the command "pueue help" (with examples)

How to use the command "pueue help" (with examples)

The “pueue help” command is used to display help for subcommands in the Pueue task manager. It provides information on various subcommands and flags that can be used with the main Pueue command. This command is useful when you need to quickly refer to the available options and syntax for different Pueue subcommands.

Use case 1: Show all available subcommands and flags


pueue help


This use case is helpful when you want to get an overview of all the available subcommands and flags in Pueue. It allows you to see the complete list of options that can be used with the Pueue command and get a better understanding of its capabilities.


The “pueue help” command without any arguments displays help for all available subcommands and flags in Pueue. It lists all the subcommands along with a brief description and the available flags for each subcommand.

Example output:

Usage: pueue <subcommand> [flags]

  pueue add [flags] <command> [arguments]...  	Add a new command to the queue
  pueue pause [flags] <ids>...                	Pause processes or groups
  pueue resume [flags] <ids>...               	Resume processes or groups
  <more subcommands>

Other commands:
  pueue help [<command>]                      	Display help for subcommands

  -h, --help                                   	help for pueue
  -v, --version                                	Prints the current version

Use case 2: Show help for a specific subcommand


pueue help subcommand


This use case is helpful when you need detailed information on a specific subcommand in Pueue. It allows you to understand the functionality and options available for a particular subcommand.


The second use case of the “pueue help” command involves specifying a particular subcommand as an argument. This command displays detailed help specific to the provided subcommand, including a description, usage syntax, and available flags.

Example output:

Usage: pueue add [flags] <command> [arguments]...

Add a new command to the queue

  -h, --help   help for add
      --pipe   Pipe command output to parent process
      --start  Start the process as soon as possible


The “pueue help” command is a valuable tool for exploring the capabilities of the Pueue task manager. It allows users to quickly access help for all available subcommands and flags, as well as obtain detailed information on individual subcommands. By utilizing this command, users can effectively navigate and leverage the various features provided by Pueue.

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