How to use the command pueue reset (with examples)

How to use the command pueue reset (with examples)

Pueue is a command-line task management tool that allows you to manage and prioritize tasks in a queue. The pueue reset command is used to kill all tasks in the queue and reset the queue status.

Use case 1: Killing all tasks and removing everything


pueue reset

Motivation: In certain situations, you may need to start fresh with a clean queue. The pueue reset command allows you to kill all tasks in the queue and remove all associated logs, status, groups, and task IDs. This can be useful when you want to clear the queue completely before starting new tasks.

Explanation: This command simply kills all tasks in the queue and removes their corresponding logs, status, groups, and task IDs.

Example output:

All tasks were successfully killed.
The queue has been reset.

Use case 2: Killing all tasks, terminating their children, and resetting everything


pueue reset --children

Motivation: In some cases, tasks may have children processes that need to be terminated as well. The pueue reset --children command kills all tasks in the queue, terminates their children processes, and resets the queue status. This ensures that all related processes are terminated when resetting the queue.

Explanation: The --children argument tells the pueue reset command to terminate the children processes of the tasks before killing them. This helps in situations where tasks have spawned child processes that also need to be terminated.

Example output:

All tasks and their children were successfully killed.
The queue has been reset.

Use case 3: Resetting without asking for confirmation


pueue reset --force

Motivation: By default, the pueue reset command asks for confirmation before resetting the queue. However, in some instances, you may want to skip the confirmation prompt and directly reset the queue. The pueue reset --force command allows you to reset the queue without any confirmation prompts.

Explanation: The --force argument skips the confirmation step and directly resets the queue. This can be useful when you want to automate the resetting process or when you’re sure that you want to reset the queue without any confirmation.

Example output:

The queue will be reset without any further confirmation.
All tasks were successfully killed.
The queue has been reset.


The pueue reset command is a powerful tool for managing the task queue in Pueue. It allows you to kill all tasks, terminate their children processes, and reset the queue status. With the different arguments, you can customize the reset process according to your needs. Whether you want to remove everything, terminate children processes, or skip the confirmation, the pueue reset command has got you covered.

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