How to use the command 'pueue restart' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pueue restart' (with examples)

The ‘pueue restart’ command is used to restart tasks in the Pueue task manager. Pueue is a command-line task manager for sequential and parallel execution of shell commands, and allows you to easily manage and prioritize your tasks.

Use case 1: Restart a specific task


pueue restart task_id

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to restart a specific task that was previously enqueued. By specifying the task_id, you can easily restart the task without affecting other tasks in the queue.


  • ’task_id’: The ID of the task you want to restart.

Example output:

Restarted task with ID: 1

Use case 2: Restart multiple tasks and start them immediately


pueue restart --start-immediately task_id task_id

Motivation: In certain situations, you may need to restart multiple tasks at once and start them immediately without queuing them. This can be helpful when you want to prioritize and execute certain tasks without waiting for others to finish.


  • ‘–start-immediately’: This option tells Pueue to start the restarted tasks immediately, bypassing the queue.
  • ’task_id task_id’: The IDs of the tasks you want to restart.

Example output:

Restarted task with ID: 2
Restarted task with ID: 3

Use case 3: Restart a specific task from a different path


pueue restart --edit-path task_id

Motivation: Sometimes, you may need to restart a specific task from a different path than the original path. This can be helpful when you have moved or updated a file that the task depends on, and you want to restart it with the updated file.


  • ‘–edit-path’: This option allows you to edit the path before restarting the task.
  • ’task_id’: The ID of the task you want to restart.

Example output:

Restarted task with ID: 4

Use case 4: Edit a command before restarting


pueue restart --edit task_id

Motivation: If you need to make changes to the command before restarting a task, you can use the ‘–edit’ option. This can be useful when you realize that a command needs to be modified or updated before executing it again.


  • ‘–edit’: This option opens the command in a text editor, allowing you to make changes before restarting the task.
  • ’task_id’: The ID of the task you want to restart.

Example output:

Opened task with ID: 5 in editor

Use case 5: Restart a task in-place


pueue restart --in-place task_id

Motivation: When you want to restart a task without enqueuing it as a separate task, you can use the ‘–in-place’ option. This can be useful when you want to replace the original task with the restarted task, preserving its place in the queue.


  • ‘–in-place’: This option restarts the specified task, overwriting the original task in the queue.
  • ’task_id’: The ID of the task you want to restart.

Example output:

Restarted task with ID: 6 in-place

Use case 6: Restart all failed tasks and stash them


pueue restart --all-failed --stashed

Motivation: If you have tasks that failed to execute correctly, you can use the ‘–all-failed’ option to restart all failed tasks. By combining it with the ‘–stashed’ option, you can stash the failed tasks, preventing them from executing immediately.


  • ‘–all-failed’: This option restarts all tasks that have failed.
  • ‘–stashed’: This option stashes the restarted tasks, preventing them from executing immediately.

Example output:

Restarted all failed tasks and stashed them

Conclusion: The ‘pueue restart’ command provides a flexible way to restart tasks in the Pueue task manager. By utilizing different options and arguments, you can control how tasks are restarted and execute them based on your requirements. Whether it’s restarting a specific task, editing commands before restarting, or restarting multiple tasks at once, ‘pueue restart’ provides a powerful way to manage and prioritize your tasks efficiently.

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