Using the `pueue start` command (with examples)

Using the `pueue start` command (with examples)

The pueue start command is used to resume the operation of specific tasks or groups of tasks in the Pueue task manager. This command allows users to continue the execution of paused tasks, either individually or in groups. In this article, we will explore and provide code examples for different use cases of the pueue start command.

1: Resuming all tasks in the default group

To resume all tasks in the default group, you can simply use the following command:

pueue start

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to resume all the paused tasks in the default group at once. It allows you to quickly continue the execution of all pending tasks without having to specify individual task IDs.

Example output:

Resumed tasks:
   [1]: Task 1
   [2]: Task 2
   [3]: Task 3

Explanation: The pueue start command without any additional arguments resumes all tasks in the default group. It automatically finds and resumes all the tasks that have been paused.

2: Resuming a specific task

To resume a specific task, you need to provide the task_id of that task. Here is an example command:

pueue start task_id

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to resume a specific task that has been paused. It allows you to selectively continue the execution of a single task without affecting the other tasks in the queue.

Example output:

Resumed task:
   [2]: Task 2

Explanation: By specifying the task_id in the pueue start command, only the task with that specific ID will be resumed. The command searches for the task and resumes its execution.

3: Resuming multiple tasks at once

To resume multiple tasks at once, you can provide multiple task_id arguments in the pueue start command. Here is an example:

pueue start task_id1 task_id2

Motivation: This use case is handy when you want to resume multiple paused tasks simultaneously. It allows you to continue the execution of multiple specific tasks without having to resume them one by one.

Example output:

Resumed tasks:
   [2]: Task 2
   [4]: Task 4

Explanation: By providing multiple task_id arguments separated by a space, the pueue start command resumes all the specified tasks at once. The command searches for each task and resumes their execution.

4: Resuming all tasks and starting their children

To resume all tasks and start their children, you can use the --all and --children options with the pueue start command. Here is an example command:

pueue start --all --children

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to resume all tasks in the task manager, as well as their child processes. It allows you to start both the main tasks and their associated child tasks in a single command.

Example output:

Resumed tasks:
   [1]: Task 1 (and its children)
   [3]: Task 3 (and its children)
   [5]: Task 5 (and its children)

Explanation: By using the --all option, the pueue start command resumes all tasks in the task manager, including their children. The --children option ensures that the child processes associated with each task are also started.

5: Resuming all tasks in a specific group

To resume all tasks in a specific group, you need to provide the group_name of that group in the pueue start command. Here is an example:

pueue start group group_name

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to resume all the paused tasks within a particular group. It allows you to specify a specific group of tasks and continue their execution without affecting tasks from other groups.

Example output:

Resumed tasks in group 'group_name':
   [2]: Task 2
   [3]: Task 3
   [4]: Task 4

Explanation: By specifying the group group_name argument in the pueue start command, the command searches for and resumes all tasks within the specified group. It ensures that only tasks within that group are resumed, while leaving tasks from other groups paused.


In this article, we explored different use cases of the pueue start command in the Pueue task manager. We provided code examples, motivations, explanations for each use case, and example outputs. By understanding and utilizing these different use cases, you can effectively resume tasks and groups of tasks in Pueue to continue their execution.

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