How to use the command "pueue status" (with examples)

How to use the command "pueue status" (with examples)

The “pueue status” command is used to display the current status of all tasks in a queue. It is a convenient way to monitor the progress and status of tasks that are running or queued.

Use case 1: Show the status of all tasks


pueue status

Motivation: You want to get an overview of the current status of all tasks in the queue.

Explanation: Running this command without any additional arguments will display the status of all tasks in the queue. It provides information such as the task ID, the command being executed, the status (pending, running, done, etc.), and the time it has been running.

Example output:

Tasks (2)   # Number of tasks in the queue
ID  Command                Status     Modifiers  Enqueued         Started         Finished
--- -------------------    ------     ---------  --------------- --------------- ---------------
0   sleep 10                Running                10 minutes ago
1   echo "Hello, World!"    Done                   20 minutes ago    20 minutes ago

Use case 2: Show the status of a specific group


pueue status --group group_name

Motivation: You have tasks organized into different groups and want to view the status of a specific group only.

Explanation: By providing the --group option followed by the name of the desired group, you can filter the output to display the status of tasks belonging to that particular group. This is useful when you want to focus on specific tasks or workflows.

Example output:

Tasks (3)   # Number of tasks in the specified group
ID  Command                Status     Modifiers  Enqueued         Started         Finished
--- -------------------    ------     ---------  --------------- --------------- ---------------
0   sleep 10                Running    default    5 minutes ago
1   echo "Hello, World!"    Done       default    10 minutes ago    10 minutes ago
2   ls                      Pending                15 minutes ago


The “pueue status” command is a powerful tool for monitoring the status of tasks in a queue. Whether you want an overall view of all tasks or just want to check the status of tasks in a specific group, this command provides a concise and informative output that allows you to stay on top of your tasks efficiently.

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