How to Use the Command 'pueue status' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'pueue status' (with Examples)

Pueue is a command-line task management and scheduling tool that allows users to manage and organize their tasks effectively. It’s designed to help streamline workflows by providing a way to queue and prioritize tasks that are executed sequentially, making it particularly useful for long-running processes or batch jobs. The command pueue status specifically provides insights into the current state of these tasks by showing their status in the queue.

This article will explore specific use cases of the pueue status command with examples that will help you understand its different functionalities and applications.

Use case 1: Show the Status of All Tasks


pueue status


When managing multiple tasks that may take different amounts of time to complete, it can become cumbersome to track each task’s progress individually. By using the pueue status command, you can get a comprehensive overview of all tasks currently managed by Pueue. This can be particularly beneficial in development environments or scenarios where you need to monitor various scripts or jobs, ensuring none are stuck or need manual intervention.


  • pueue status: The command consists of two parts. “pueue” is the command-line tool for task management and “status” is the specific sub-command used to display the status of all tasks. It doesn’t require any additional arguments to perform this basic function, making it straightforward and easy to use for quick checks.

Example Output:

Task 1: Running
Task 2: Queued
Task 3: Finished
Task 4: Paused

The above output provides a snapshot of what users can expect when they execute the command. It lists each task by its ID, followed by its current status. This allows users to quickly ascertain the progress and state of all tasks under Pueue’s management.

Use case 2: Show the Status of a Specific Group


pueue status --group group_name


In larger projects or environments, tasks are often grouped to maintain organization and efficiency. These groups could represent different stages of a pipeline, various environments (such as development, testing, production), or simply tasks that share a common goal. Using the --group argument allows users to filter the task status based on a specific group. This specialization simplifies the task monitoring process by narrowing down the information to only those tasks that are relevant to a particular context, thereby aiding decision-making and task management.


  • pueue status: As explained earlier, this part of the command is used to invoke the status display feature of the Pueue tool.

  • --group group_name: This argument is used to specify a particular group of tasks for which the status is desired. --group is the flag, indicating that filtering by task group will follow, and group_name should be replaced by the actual name of the group you want to check.

Example Output:

Group: DataProcessing
Task 5: Running
Task 6: Queued

In this example output, only tasks that belong to the group “DataProcessing” are displayed. This concise format assists users in concentrating on tasks that are only pertinent to the aforementioned group, eliminating the need to sift through information about other unrelated tasks.


The pueue status command is a powerful tool when it comes to managing and monitoring tasks across different environments and workflows. It provides a clear, concise view of the task queue and helps ensure that every task is on track, ultimately improving productivity and task handling efficiency. Whether you are looking for an overview of all tasks or focusing on a specific group, these examples show how the pueue status command can be tailored to your needs for better task management.

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