How to use the command 'pulumi' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pulumi' (with examples)

The pulumi command is a powerful tool that allows users to define infrastructure on any cloud using familiar programming languages. It provides a range of subcommands and functionalities to streamline the process of creating, configuring, and deploying infrastructure.

Use case 1: Create a new project using a template


pulumi new

Motivation: Creating a new project from scratch can be time-consuming and error-prone. By using the pulumi new command, users can easily generate a new project template with the necessary structure and boilerplate code already in place. This allows developers to quickly get started with their infrastructure projects, saving time and effort.

Explanation: The pulumi new command initializes a new project by generating a template. It prompts the user to choose from a list of available templates and then creates the project structure and files based on the selected template. This command is useful when starting a new project or when exploring different infrastructure patterns.

Example output:

$ pulumi new
Created project 'my-project' from template 'aws-typescript'.
Project initialized with a Pulumi.yaml file, which specifies the project name and settings.

Use case 2: Create a new stack using an isolated deployment target


pulumi stack init

Motivation: When working on infrastructure projects, it is often necessary to have multiple deployment environments, such as development, staging, and production. Each environment may have different configurations, resources, and access rights. By using the pulumi stack init command, users can easily create and manage isolated stacks for different deployment targets, ensuring separation and control over various environments.

Explanation: The pulumi stack init command creates a new stack within the project. A stack represents a unique deployment target and helps isolate configurations, state, and resources for different environments. This command allows users to initialize and manage stacks for different deployment targets within a single project, simplifying the management of infrastructure across multiple environments.

Example output:

$ pulumi stack init dev
Created stack 'dev'.

Use case 3: Configure variables interactively


pulumi config

Motivation: Infrastructure projects often require configuring various variables such as API keys, regions, or custom settings. These configurations are essential for deploying the infrastructure correctly. The pulumi config command allows users to interactively set and manage these variables, providing a convenient way to configure the project without modifying code or configuration files manually.

Explanation: The pulumi config command provides an interactive prompt for configuring variables used by the infrastructure project. It presents a series of prompts to the user and allows them to specify values for different variables. These variables can then be accessed within the project code and provide a way to customize the behavior of the infrastructure during deployment.

Example output:

$ pulumi config
? Do you want to set a config value? (y/N) y
? What config key would you like to set? aws:region
? What value would you like to set 'aws:region' to? us-west-2

Use case 4: Preview and deploy changes to a program and/or infrastructure


pulumi up

Motivation: Before deploying infrastructure changes, it is crucial to preview the changes to ensure they are as expected. The pulumi up command provides a way to preview and deploy changes to both the project code and the actual infrastructure, enabling users to validate and test the changes before deploying them to production or other environments.

Explanation: The pulumi up command previews and deploys changes to the infrastructure and/or project code. It compares the current state of the infrastructure with the desired state defined in the code and generates a preview of the changes that will be made. Users can review the preview and decide to proceed with the deployment or cancel it. This command is essential for ensuring that the desired infrastructure changes will be applied correctly.

Example output:

$ pulumi up
Previewing update (dev):
Updating (dev):


    - bucketName: my-bucket
    - websiteUrl:

Use case 5: Preview deployment changes without performing them (dry-run)


pulumi preview

Motivation: When making changes to infrastructure code, it is sometimes necessary to get a preview of the potential changes without actually applying them. The pulumi preview command allows users to perform a dry-run of the deployment, enabling them to see what changes would be made without modifying the infrastructure. This helps identify potential errors or unintended consequences before performing the actual deployment.

Explanation: The pulumi preview command generates a preview of the changes that would be made to the infrastructure without actually applying them. It compares the current state of the infrastructure with the desired state specified in the code and produces a report highlighting the changes that would be applied during the deployment. This command provides a valuable way to review and verify expected changes before deploying them.

Example output:

$ pulumi preview
Previewing update (dev):
Updating (dev):


Use case 6: Destroy a program and its infrastructure


pulumi destroy

Motivation: There are cases where it becomes necessary to tear down an entire infrastructure stack and remove all associated resources. The pulumi destroy command provides a convenient way to orchestrate the destruction of the infrastructure, ensuring that all resources are properly cleaned up, and preventing any unnecessary costs or waste.

Explanation: The pulumi destroy command tears down a program and its associated infrastructure. It identifies all resources created by the stack and removes them in a safe and controlled manner. This command is particularly useful when decommissioning a stack or cleaning up resources that are no longer needed, preventing any unintended costs or lingering artifacts.

Example output:

$ pulumi destroy
Previewing destroy (dev):

Destroying (dev):



The pulumi command is a versatile tool that provides various functionalities to streamline the process of defining, configuring, and deploying infrastructure. Whether you need to create a new project, manage different deployment stacks, configure variables, or deploy and destroy infrastructure resources, the pulumi command offers a set of powerful subcommands to simplify the workflow. Understanding the different use cases of the command allows users to leverage its capabilities effectively and build robust infrastructure solutions.

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