Managing Infrastructure with Pulumi Stack (with examples)

Managing Infrastructure with Pulumi Stack (with examples)

Pulumi is an innovative infrastructure as code platform that allows developers to define and manage cloud infrastructure using familiar programming languages. The pulumi stack command is a versatile tool within Pulumi’s command-line interface (CLI) for managing stacks and viewing stack states in a streamlined manner. This command provides a comprehensive suite of functionalities, helping users create, organize, and maintain different environment configurations with ease.

Use Case 1: Creating a New Stack


pulumi stack init stack_name

Motivation: Creating a new stack is a fundamental step when deploying applications to different environments or provisioning infrastructure tailored to specific configurations. For instance, you might want to have separate stacks for development, testing, and production environments to isolate changes and manage resources efficiently.


  • pulumi: Invokes the Pulumi CLI.
  • stack: Refers to the stack management command set within Pulumi.
  • init: The sub-command to initialize or create a new stack.
  • stack_name: Represents the desired name of the new stack. This name helps identify the stack uniquely within a project.

Example Output:

Created stack 'stack_name'

Use Case 2: Viewing the Stack State


pulumi stack

Motivation: Understanding the current state of a stack is crucial for developers to ensure that resources are accurately deployed and maintained. This command allows you to see important metadata about the active stack, helping you track changes, resource configurations, and applied modifications over time.


  • pulumi: Calls the Pulumi CLI.
  • stack: Retrieves details about the currently selected stack, including its settings, outputs, and configuration.

Example Output:

Current stack is stack_name:
    Deployment URL:
    Last Update: Oct 23, 2023

Use Case 3: Listing Stacks in the Current Project


pulumi stack ls

Motivation: In projects where multiple stacks are managed, listing all available stacks can provide a comprehensive overview. This is particularly useful when you need to switch between different environments or configurations and require a quick reference.


  • pulumi: Executes the Pulumi CLI.
  • stack ls: The command to list all stacks within the current project, displaying their names and associated metadata.

Example Output:

dev-stack  Oct 21, 2023
prod-stack Oct 18, 2023

Use Case 4: Listing Stacks Across All Projects


pulumi stack ls --all

Motivation: For users managing multiple projects, being able to view all stacks across different projects can save time and help avoid confusion. This command offers a high-level overview of all stack configurations, aiding in swift decision-making and navigation.


  • pulumi: Calls the Pulumi CLI.
  • stack ls: Lists stacks.
  • --all: A flag that extends the listing to all projects, not just the one currently in focus.

Example Output:

proj1/dev-stack    Oct 21, 2023
proj2/prod-stack   Oct 20, 2023

Use Case 5: Selecting an Active Stack


pulumi stack select stack_name

Motivation: Switching between different stacks is a common requirement when working with multiple environments. Selecting the desired stack allows developers to focus on a specific configuration, ensuring that any commands or deployments affect the correct environment and avoid unintended modifications elsewhere.


  • pulumi: Calls the Pulumi CLI.
  • stack select: The command used to set the currently active stack.
  • stack_name: Specifies the name of the stack to be activated.

Example Output:

Now using stack 'stack_name'

Use Case 6: Showing Stack Outputs Including Secrets


pulumi stack output --show-secrets

Motivation: Reviewing outputs is essential for verifying and debugging deployments. Sometimes, outputs include sensitive data or secrets which need to be accessed carefully. This command enables the display of all outputs, including secrets, allowing for comprehensive audits and checks.


  • pulumi: Invokes the Pulumi CLI.
  • stack output: Displays outputs from the stack.
  • --show-secrets: A flag that ensures even sensitive information within the outputs is displayed in plaintext.

Example Output:

API Endpoint:
DB Password: supersecretpassword

Use Case 7: Exporting the Stack State to a JSON File


pulumi stack export --file path/to/file.json

Motivation: Exporting stack state is vital for backup, auditing, or migration purposes. By saving the stack state to a JSON file, users can easily share configurations, restore environments, or analyze infrastructure changes without directly accessing the cloud platform.


  • pulumi: Utilizes the Pulumi CLI.
  • stack export: Extracts and exports the stack state information.
  • --file: Specifies the path where the JSON file should be created.
  • path/to/file.json: The designated location and name for the exported file.

Example Output:

Stack 'stack_name' state written to 'path/to/file.json'

Use Case 8: Displaying Help Information


pulumi stack --help

Motivation: For new users or anyone needing a quick reminder of the available options and their syntax within pulumi stack, accessing the help documentation is invaluable. This command provides a concise guide on how to effectively use the stack command and its subcommands.


  • pulumi: Executes the Pulumi CLI.
  • stack --help: Displays detailed help content, including usage instructions and descriptions for each command related to stack management.

Example Output:

Usage: pulumi stack [<args>]
Manage stacks and view stack state...

 - create       Create a new stack...
 - select       Select an active stack...


Understanding the various use cases for the pulumi stack command allows users to efficiently manage and interact with their infrastructure as code configurations. From initializing new environments to exporting stack states, these functionalities ensure that developers and teams can maintain robust and organized control over their cloud resources.

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