How to use the command 'puppet' (with examples)

How to use the command 'puppet' (with examples)

The ‘puppet’ command is a powerful tool that helps in managing and automating the configuration of servers. It is commonly used in DevOps and system administration to ensure consistent and efficient server management. This article will provide examples and explanations for various use cases of the ‘puppet’ command.

Use case 1: Execute a Puppet subcommand


puppet subcommand


Executing a Puppet subcommand allows you to perform specific actions and operations on your server configuration. This can include tasks such as applying changes to the server, querying the current state of the server, or managing resources. By executing the subcommand, you can interact with the Puppet infrastructure and enforce the desired configuration for your servers.


  • puppet: The main command used to interact with Puppet.
  • subcommand: Replace this with the specific subcommand you want to execute. This can be any operation supported by Puppet, such as agent for managing the Puppet agent, apply for applying changes to the server configuration, etc.

Example output:

Executing the puppet agent subcommand will initiate the Puppet agent on the server and apply any pending changes to the configuration.

Use case 2: Check the Puppet version


puppet --version


Checking the Puppet version installed on a server can be useful to ensure compatibility with specific features or functionality. It also helps in troubleshooting any issues that may arise due to version discrepancies.


  • puppet: The main command used to interact with Puppet.
  • --version: This flag is used to display the version of the installed Puppet software.

Example output:

Running puppet --version will return the version of the Puppet software installed on the server, such as ‘6.24.0’.

Use case 3: Display help


puppet --help


When working with a complex tool like Puppet, having access to comprehensive help documentation is essential. The --help option provides detailed information about the available options and subcommands, helping users understand the functionality and usage of the ‘puppet’ command.


  • puppet: The main command used to interact with Puppet.
  • --help: This option displays the help documentation for the ‘puppet’ command, including information on available options and subcommands.

Example output:

Using the puppet --help command will display the help documentation for Puppet, including a list of available options and subcommands, along with their descriptions.

Use case 4: Display help for a subcommand


puppet help subcommand


Puppet provides extensive functionality through various subcommands. Understanding the usage of each subcommand and its available options is crucial to perform specific tasks. The help subcommand helps get detailed information and usage examples specific to a subcommand.


  • puppet: The main command used to interact with Puppet.
  • help: The subcommand used to display help documentation for a specific subcommand.
  • subcommand: Replace this with the specific subcommand you want help with. For example, puppet help agent will display help documentation for the agent subcommand.

Example output:

Executing puppet help agent will display detailed help documentation for the agent subcommand, including information on available options, usage examples, and further references.


The ‘puppet’ command is a versatile tool for managing and automating server configurations. By understanding and utilizing the various subcommands and options provided by Puppet, system administrators and DevOps professionals can ensure consistent and efficient server management.

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