Using the `pushd` Command (with examples)

Using the `pushd` Command (with examples)

Use Case 1: Switch to a Directory and Push it on the Stack


pushd path/to/directory


The pushd command allows us to switch to a specified directory and push it onto the directory stack. This can be useful when we want to access a directory and have the ability to easily switch back to the previous directory later.


The pushd command takes a single argument which is the path to the directory we want to switch to and push onto the stack. The directory stack is a stack data structure that allows us to keep track of multiple directories in a specific order.

Example Output:

~/current/directory ~/previous/directory

Use Case 2: Switch First and Second Directories on the Stack




In some cases, we might want to switch between the current directory and the directory that is on top of the directory stack without specifying the path. This is useful when we want to quickly switch between two directories that we have previously visited.


When we use pushd without any arguments, it swaps the current directory with the first directory on the stack. This means that the directory on top of the stack becomes the current directory, and the previous current directory gets pushed onto the stack.

Example Output:

~/previous/directory ~/current/directory

Use Case 3: Rotate Stack by Making the 5th Element the Top of the Stack


pushd +4


At times, we need to change the order of directories on the stack to access a specific directory quickly. By rotating the stack, we can make a particular directory the new top of the stack and easily switch to it.


By specifying a positive number after the + sign, we can rotate the stack by moving the directory at the given position to the top. In this case, we are moving the fifth directory to the top of the stack.

Example Output:

~/fifth/directory ~/current/directory ~/previous/directory

Use Case 4: Rotate Stack 4 Times to the Left


pushd -n +4


Rotating the stack multiple times can be useful when we want to change the order of directories significantly. By specifying the number of rotations, we can rearrange the directories on the stack as per our requirements.


Using -n (where n is a number) before the + sign allows us to rotate the stack multiple times to the left. In this case, we are rotating the stack four times to the left, which shifts the directories and keeps the current directory at the top.

Example Output:

~/previous/directory ~/first/directory ~/second/directory ~/third/directory ~/current/directory

In this article, we explored four different use cases of the pushd command. Each use case demonstrated a different way to utilize the pushd command and highlighted its versatility in managing directories and the directory stack. By understanding and utilizing the pushd command, we can improve our workflow and efficiently navigate through directories in the command line.

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