How to use the command 'pwgen' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pwgen' (with examples)

The ‘pwgen’ command is a tool that is used to generate random passwords. It is particularly useful for creating secure, hard-to-memorize passwords. It offers various options to customize the generated passwords, such as including symbols, capital letters, and specifying the length. This article will illustrate the different use cases of the ‘pwgen’ command with examples.

Use case 1: Generate random password with symbols


pwgen -y length

Motivation: This use case is suitable when you need to generate a random password that includes symbols. Symbols increase the complexity of a password, making it more secure against brute-force attacks.

Explanation: The ‘-y’ option instructs ‘pwgen’ to include symbols in the generated passwords. The ’length’ parameter specifies the desired length of the password.

Example output:

pwgen -y 12

Output: nN0at{F%d#IR

Use case 2: Generate secure, hard-to-memorize passwords


pwgen -s length

Motivation: This use case is useful when creating secure passwords that are hard to memorize. By generating passwords with random characters, numbers, and symbols, it becomes challenging for others to guess or crack the password.

Explanation: The ‘-s’ option generates a secure password by including a combination of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers. The ’length’ parameter determines the length of the password.

Example output:

pwgen -s 10

Output: YAnLF8BEgD

Use case 3: Generate password with at least one capital letter


pwgen -c length

Motivation: If you have specific password requirements that include at least one capital letter, this use case allows you to generate passwords that meet those criteria.

Explanation: The ‘-c’ option ensures that each generated password contains at least one capital letter. The ’length’ parameter specifies the desired length of the password.

Example output:

pwgen -c 8

Output: fYyC5Q2R


The ‘pwgen’ command is a versatile tool for generating random passwords. By utilizing its various options, you can create secure passwords with symbols, capital letters, and specify the desired length. These use cases provide flexibility and customization options to fit your specific password requirements.

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