How to use the command 'pyATS' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pyATS' (with examples)

The pyATS command is a vendor agnostic test automation framework developed by Cisco Systems. It is used for network and systems testing, providing a comprehensive and scalable solution for automating testing processes. This article will illustrate the various use cases of the pyATS command, including running subcommands, checking the version, and displaying help information.

Use case 1: Run a pyATS subcommand


pyats subcommand

Motivation: The pyATS framework offers a variety of subcommands that enable automation of different test scenarios. Running a specific subcommand allows users to execute a particular task or perform a specific action within the framework.

Explanation: The pyats subcommand syntax is used to run a specific subcommand provided by the pyATS framework. Replace subcommand with the desired subcommand name.

Example output:

Executing subcommand: subcommand_name
Subcommand output...

Use case 2: Display version


pyats version check

Motivation: It is important to keep track of the software versions being used in a testing environment. Displaying the version of the pyATS framework ensures that the latest version is being utilized, which may include bug fixes, improvements, and new features.

Explanation: The pyats version check command is used to display the version of the pyATS framework installed on the system. It provides information about the version number and any additional metadata associated with the installed framework.

Example output:

pyATS version: 20.0.1

Use case 3: Display help


pyats --help

Motivation: When using a complex test automation framework like pyATS, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the available options and functionalities. Displaying help information provides users with a comprehensive overview of the command-line options, subcommands, and their respective functionalities.

Explanation: The pyats --help command is used to display general help information about the pyATS framework. It provides a list of available options, global arguments, and subcommands. It is a useful starting point for users to explore the capabilities and functionalities offered by the framework.

Example output:

Usage: pyats [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Use case 4: Display help about a specific subcommand


pyats subcommand --help

Motivation: Each subcommand within the pyATS framework may have its own set of options, arguments, and functionalities. Displaying help information about a specific subcommand provides a detailed overview of its usage and available options, enabling users to make informed decisions while using the subcommand.

Explanation: The pyats subcommand --help command is used to display help information about a specific subcommand in the pyATS framework. Replace subcommand with the desired subcommand name. It lists all available options, arguments, and their descriptions for the specified subcommand.

Example output:

Usage: pyats subcommand [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


The pyATS command offers a wide range of functionalities and options for automating network and systems testing. This article covered the various use cases of the pyATS command, including running subcommands, checking the version, and displaying help information. By understanding these different use cases, users can effectively utilize the pyATS framework for their testing requirements.

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