How to use the command pyats version (with examples)

How to use the command pyats version (with examples)

The pyats version command is a tool provided by the pyATS library, which is a Python-based testing and automation framework developed by Cisco. This command allows users to view and upgrade the installation of pyATS. It is particularly useful for checking the version of installed packages and updating them to the latest or a specific version.

Use case 1: Display version of all packages


pyats version check

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to verify the versions of all the packages installed as part of your pyATS installation. It will display the version numbers of the installed packages.


  • pyats - the command itself
  • version - the subcommand used to check the package versions
  • check - additional option used to display the version of all packages

Example output:

Package                      Version    Installed
-------------------------  ---------  -----------
pyats                         20.3               ✓
genie                         20.3               ✓
ats.easypy                    20.3               ✓
ats.kleenex                   20.3               ✓
pyats.aereport                20.3               ✓

Use case 2: Display outdated packages


pyats version check --outdated

Motivation: This use case allows you to identify which packages in your pyATS installation are outdated and require an update.


  • pyats - the command itself
  • version - the subcommand used to check the package versions
  • check - additional option used to display the version of all packages
  • --outdated - an option to filter and display only the outdated packages

Example output:

Outdated packages:
Package            Current     Latest
--------------  ---------  ---------
pyats                 20.3     21.1.2
genie             20.3        21.1
ats.easypy         20.3         21

Use case 3: Update packages to the most recent version


pyats version update

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to update all the packages in your pyATS installation to their most recent versions.


  • pyats - the command itself
  • version - the subcommand used to update the package versions
  • update - additional option used to update the packages to the most recent version

Example output:

Updating packages:
Package                      Version    Installed
-------------------------  ---------  -----------
pyats                         20.3        21.1.2       ✓
genie                    20.3        21.1       ✓
ats.easypy               20.3        21       ✓
ats.kleenex              20.3        20.3       ✓
pyats.aereport           20.3        20.3       ✓

Use case 4: Update or downgrade packages to a specific version


pyats version update version

Motivation: This use case allows you to update or downgrade specific packages in your pyATS installation to a version of your choice.


  • pyats - the command itself
  • version - the subcommand used to update the package versions
  • update - additional option used to update or downgrade the packages
  • version - argument specifying the specific version to update or downgrade to

Example output:

Updating or downgrading packages to version 20.2:
Package                      Version    Installed
-------------------------  ---------  -----------
pyats                         20.2        20.2        ✓
genie                         20.2        20.2        ✓
ats.easypy              20.2        20.2        ✓
ats.kleenex             20.2        20.2        ✓
pyats.aereport          20.2        20.2        ✓


The pyats version command is a powerful tool provided by the pyATS library that allows users to manage the versioning of their pyATS installation. It provides options to check the versions of installed packages, identify outdated packages, update packages to their most recent version, and even update or downgrade to specific versions. This command simplifies the process of managing package versions and ensures a consistent and up-to-date pyATS environment.

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