How to Use the Command 'pydocstyle' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'pydocstyle' (with Examples)

pydocstyle is a static analysis tool used to verify that Python scripts conform to the convention for docstrings defined in PEP 257. It helps maintain a uniform way of documentation and is particularly useful for preventing inconsistencies in codebases with multiple contributors. This guide showcases various use cases for utilizing pydocstyle with accompanying examples.

Use Case 1: Analyze a Python Script or All the Python Scripts in a Specific Directory




When working on Python projects, maintaining a standard documentation style across all files is critical for readability and maintenance. Analyzing individual scripts or entire directories using pydocstyle ensures that all files adhere to a unified docstring standard, improving collaboration and reducing misunderstanding.


  •|path/to/directory: This argument specifies either a single file or an entire directory containing Python scripts. pydocstyle will check each specified script for compliance with docstring conventions.

Example Output:

path/to/directory/ at module level:
        D100: Missing docstring in public module

Use Case 2: Show an Explanation of Each Error


pydocstyle -e|path/to/directory


Understanding why a particular docstring fails to comply with standards is crucial for applying correct fixes. Using the -e or --explain option helps developers learn from their mistakes by providing detailed reasons behind each error. This, in turn, enhances learning and documentation skills.


  • -e|--explain: This flag triggers pydocstyle to provide a detailed explanation for each error it encounters. This is useful for understanding the nature of the issues and how to resolve them.
  •|path/to/directory: Similar to the previous use case, this specifies the file or directory to analyze.

Example Output:

path/to/directory/ at module level:
        D100: Missing docstring in public module
        All public modules should have a docstring.

Use Case 3: Show Debug Information


pydocstyle -d|path/to/directory


Occasionally, pydocstyle users may encounter unexpected behaviors. Enabling debug information allows developers to gain insights into the internal workings of pydocstyle, which can be instrumental in troubleshooting issues or understanding how the tool processes the codebase.


  • -d|--debug: This option provides detailed debug information about the running process. It reveals internal state data and actions, making it invaluable for debugging.
  •|path/to/directory: Indicates the target file or directory for analysis.

Example Output:

Debug: analyzing path/to/directory/
Debug: analysis complete.

Use Case 4: Display the Total Number of Errors


pydocstyle --count|path/to/directory


Quantifying the number of documentation errors can be an effective way to prioritize and track progress in documentation quality. The --count option enables developers to gauge the severity of documentation issues and allocate resources for improvement efficiently.


  • --count: Returns only the total count of docstring issues without listing individual problems. It provides a quick overview of the number of errors.
  •|path/to/directory: Denotes the specific file or directory to check.

Example Output:


Use Case 5: Use a Specific Configuration File


pydocstyle --config path/to/config_file|path/to/directory


Projects often have their custom documentation rules and preferences. Using a configuration file allows teams to enforce specific rules or ignore others. It empowers developers to tailor the tool’s functionality to the needs of the project.


  • --config path/to/config_file: Specifies a configuration file that contains custom settings and rules for docstring analysis. This file dictates pydocstyle’s behavior.
  •|path/to/directory: Represents the file or directory to be analyzed with the rules defined in the configuration file.

Example Output:

(path/to/directory/|D100) Custom rule: Missing docstring in public module

Use Case 6: Ignore One or More Errors


pydocstyle --ignore D101,D2,D107|path/to/directory


Not all docstring errors are pertinent for every project. Ignoring specific error codes allows teams to focus on issues that matter most to them without getting bogged down by unnecessary warnings.


  • --ignore D101,D2,D107: Lists error codes to be ignored during the analysis. This helps filter out certain docstring conventions not relevant to the project.
  •|path/to/directory: Indicates the script or directory to perform the filtered analysis on.

Example Output:

path/to/directory/ in public method `example_method`:
    D103: Missing docstring in public method

Use Case 7: Check for Errors from a Specific Convention


pydocstyle --convention google|path/to/directory


Different Python projects may adopt different documentation conventions such as PEP 257, NumPy, or Google. This option allows developers to enforce the specific convention practiced by their team, ensuring clarity and consistency with chosen documentation styles.


  • --convention pep257|numpy|google: Chooses which convention to follow when checking docstrings in Python files. It adapts the tool’s checks to a project’s specific documentation style.
  •|path/to/directory: Points to the file or directory to be checked using the chosen convention.

Example Output:

path/to/directory/ in public function `google_style_function`:
    D200: One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes


Using pydocstyle effectively promotes proper documentation practices and improves code readability and maintainability. By utilizing a variety of options such as error explanations, debug information, and configurable conventions, developers can tailor their documentation review processes to the specific needs and styles of their projects.

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