How to use the command 'q' (with examples)

How to use the command 'q' (with examples)

The ‘q’ command allows users to execute SQL-like queries on .csv and .tsv files. It provides a way to interact with and manipulate tabular data in a convenient way.

Use case 1: Query .csv file by specifying the delimiter as ‘,’


q -d',' "SELECT * from path/to/file"

Motivation: This use case is helpful when working with .csv files that use a delimiter other than the default comma (’,’), such as a semicolon (’;’). By specifying the delimiter with the ‘-d’ argument, you can ensure that the command correctly interprets and processes the file.


  • -d',': Specifies the delimiter used in the .csv file. In this example, the delimiter is set to a comma.
  • "SELECT * from path/to/file": The SQL-like query that selects all columns and rows from the specified file.

Example output: The command will output all columns and rows from the .csv file, using the specified delimiter.

Use case 2: Query .tsv file


q -t "SELECT * from path/to/file"

Motivation: This use case is useful when working with .tsv files, where the data is tab-separated instead of comma-separated. By using the ‘-t’ argument, you can ensure that the command treats the file as a .tsv file and handles the data accordingly.


  • -t: Specifies that the input file is a .tsv file.
  • "SELECT * from path/to/file": The SQL-like query that selects all columns and rows from the specified file.

Example output: The command will output all columns and rows from the .tsv file.

Use case 3: Query file with header row


q -ddelimiter -H "SELECT * from path/to/file"

Motivation: This use case is helpful when working with files that contain a header row. By using the ‘-H’ argument, the command will treat the first row of the file as a header and use it when processing the data.


  • -ddelimiter: Specifies the delimiter used in the file. Replace ‘delimiter’ with the actual delimiter character used in the file.
  • -H: Treats the first row as a header row.

Example output: The command will output all columns and rows from the file, considering the first row as the header row.

Use case 4: Read data from stdin


output | q "select * from -"

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to process data from the output of another command and use it as input for the ‘q’ command. By using ‘-’ in the query, the command reads data from stdin.


  • output |: Sends the output of the ‘output’ command as input to the ‘q’ command.
  • "select * from -": The SQL-like query that selects all columns and rows from the data read from stdin.

Example output: The command will process the data received from stdin and output all columns and rows.

Use case 5: Join two files on a common column


q "SELECT * FROM path/to/file f1 JOIN path/to/other_file f2 ON (f1.c1 = f2.c1)"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you need to join two files based on a common column. By specifying the join condition in the query, you can retrieve matched records from both files.


  • "SELECT * FROM path/to/file f1 JOIN path/to/other_file f2 ON (f1.c1 = f2.c1)": The SQL-like query that selects all columns from both files, joining them on the ‘c1’ column.

Example output: The command will output all columns from both files, joining them on the common column ‘c1’.

Use case 6: Format output with an output delimiter and header line


q -Ddelimiter -O "SELECT column as alias from path/to/file"

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to customize the output format of the command. By using the ‘-D’ and ‘-O’ arguments, you can specify a delimiter for the output and provide an output header line with column aliases.


  • -Ddelimiter: Specifies the delimiter used in the output.
  • -O: Formats the output with an output header line and column aliases. Replace ‘column’ with the actual column name in the file and ‘alias’ with the desired alias name.

Example output: The command will output all columns from the file, using the specified output delimiter and displaying a header line with column aliases.


The ‘q’ command is a versatile tool for performing SQL-like queries on .csv and .tsv files. It provides various options to customize the query and format the output, making it easier to work with tabular data. By understanding the different use cases and examples provided, users can leverage this command to efficiently analyze and manipulate their data.

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