How to use the command qcp (with examples)

How to use the command qcp (with examples)

The qcp command is a utility tool that allows you to copy files using the default text editor to define the filenames. It is part of the renameutils package and provides a convenient way to copy files with customizable filename mappings.

Use case 1: Copy a single file


qcp source_file

Motivation: Sometimes you may need to make a copy of a file, but with a slightly different name. Using the qcp command, you can quickly open the default text editor with the source filename on the left and the target filename on the right. This allows you to easily modify the target filename and save it, resulting in a copy of the original file with the new name.

Explanation: In this use case, source_file represents the name of the file you want to copy. The command opens the default text editor, where you can modify and define the target filename on the right side. Once you save the changes, the file will be copied with the new name.

Example OUTPUT:

Please edit filenames:
source_file -> target_file

Use case 2: Copy multiple JPG files


qcp *.jpg

Motivation: When you have multiple files with the same extension or pattern, you can use a wildcard in the source filename to copy them all at once. This saves time and effort compared to manually copying each file individually.

Explanation: In this use case, *.jpg represents the pattern of files you want to copy. The command uses the wildcard * to match any characters before the .jpg extension, allowing it to copy all files that end with .jpg.

Example OUTPUT:

Please edit filenames:
file1.jpg -> file1.jpg.copy
file2.jpg -> file2.jpg.copy
file3.jpg -> file3.jpg.copy

Use case 3: Copy files with swapped source and target filenames


qcp --option swap *.jpg

Motivation: There may be cases where you want to copy files and simultaneously swap the positions of the source and target filenames. The --option swap argument allows you to do this effortlessly, helping you quickly create copies with reversed filenames.

Explanation: In this use case, --option swap is an optional argument that instructs the qcp command to swap the source and target filenames in the editor. By using this argument, the command will open the editor with the source filename on the right and the target filename on the left, allowing you to easily make changes and save the swapped filenames.

Example OUTPUT:

Please edit filenames:
file1.jpg -> file1.jpg.copy
file2.jpg -> file2.jpg.copy
file3.jpg -> file3.jpg.copy


The qcp command from the renameutils package provides a convenient utility for copying files using a customizable filename mapping. With it, you can quickly copy single files, copy multiple files with wildcards, and even swap source and target filenames before copying. By utilizing these various use cases, you can efficiently manage and duplicate your files based on your specific requirements.

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