How to use the command "qm cleanup" (with examples)

How to use the command "qm cleanup" (with examples)

The “qm cleanup” command is used to clean up resources on the QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager, such as tap devices and VGPUs. It is typically called after a virtual machine (VM) shuts down, crashes, or is otherwise no longer in use. The command helps to free up resources and ensure a clean state for the next use of the VM.

Use case 1: Clean up resources


qm cleanup vm_id clean-shutdown guest-requested

MOTIVATION: This use case is useful when you want to clean up the resources associated with a specific virtual machine that has undergone a clean shutdown and was requested to be cleaned up by the guest OS.


  1. qm cleanup - The command to clean up resources.
  2. vm_id - The ID of the virtual machine for which you want to clean up resources.
  3. clean-shutdown - This argument indicates that the virtual machine was shut down in a clean manner.
  4. guest-requested - This argument signifies that the clean-up request was initiated by the guest OS.

Example output:

Cleaning up resources for VM with ID 123...
Successfully cleaned up tap devices and VGPUs.

In this example, the command is used to clean up the resources associated with a virtual machine with ID 123. The virtual machine had a clean shutdown and the request for clean-up came from the guest OS. The command successfully cleans up the tap devices and VGPUs associated with the virtual machine.


The “qm cleanup” command is a useful tool for cleaning up resources on the QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. It allows you to free up resources and ensure a clean state for your virtual machines. By following the provided use cases, you can easily utilize the command for your specific needs.

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