Understanding the 'qm mtunnel' Command (with examples)

Understanding the 'qm mtunnel' Command (with examples)


The qm mtunnel command is used internally by the qmigrate command in Proxmox VE to establish a secure connection tunnel between a source and destination host during the data migration of a virtual machine (VM). Although it should not be invoked manually, understanding its use cases and functionality can provide insight into the migration process. This article will explore different scenarios where the qm mtunnel command is used and provide code examples along with motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

1: Data Migration from a VM to Another Host


qm mtunnel <source_host> <destination_host>


The qmigrate command uses qm mtunnel to establish a secure connection between the source and destination host during the migration process. This ensures that the data transferred between the hosts remains confidential and protected.


  • <source_host>: The IP address or hostname of the source Proxmox VE host from where the VM is being migrated.
  • <destination_host>: The IP address or hostname of the destination Proxmox VE host where the VM will be migrated to.

Example Output:

Creating tunnel from <source_host> to <destination_host>... Success!


The qm mtunnel command plays a crucial role in ensuring a secure data migration process within Proxmox VE. By understanding its use cases and functionality, administrators gain insight into the underlying mechanisms of VM migration and can better troubleshoot and optimize the migration process. Although it is important not to invoke qm mtunnel manually, integrating it into the qmigrate command provides a seamless and secure migration experience.

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