How to use the command qm resume (with examples)

How to use the command qm resume (with examples)

This article will demonstrate the different use cases of the qm resume command, which is used to resume a virtual machine in Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE).

Use case 1: Resume a specific virtual machine


qm resume vm_id

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to resume a particular virtual machine that has been suspended or paused in Proxmox Virtual Environment.

Explanation: The qm resume command is followed by the virtual machine ID (vm_id). This ID is used to identify the specific virtual machine that needs to be resumed.

Example output: If the command is successful, it will resume the specified virtual machine:

Info: Task OK

Use case 2: Resume a specific virtual machine ignoring locks (requires root)


sudo qm resume vm_id --skiplock true

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to forcefully resume a virtual machine, even if there are locks on it. This can be necessary in certain situations, such as when there is a lock due to an unfinished operation on the virtual machine.

Explanation: The qm resume command is prefixed with sudo to run the command with root privileges. It is followed by the virtual machine ID (vm_id). The --skiplock argument is used to bypass any locks on the virtual machine. By setting --skiplock to true, the command will ignore all locks and attempt to resume the virtual machine.

Example output: If the command is successful, it will resume the specified virtual machine even if there are locks on it:

Info: Task OK


The qm resume command is a powerful tool in Proxmox Virtual Environment for resuming virtual machines. It allows you to easily resume specific virtual machines or forcibly resume them, regardless of any locks in place. By understanding these different use cases and their corresponding arguments, you can effectively manage and control your virtual machine environment.

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