Proxmox Virtual Environment: qm rollback (with examples)

Proxmox Virtual Environment: qm rollback (with examples)

Use Case 1: Rollback the state of a specific VM to a specified snapshot.

qm rollback vm_id snap_name

Motivation: You want to revert a specific virtual machine (VM) to a previously saved snapshot. This can be useful when testing new configurations or trying out different software versions, as it allows you to quickly revert to a known working state if any issues occur.


  • vm_id: The ID of the VM you want to rollback. This can be obtained from the Proxmox web interface or by using the pvesh command-line tool.
  • snap_name: The name of the snapshot you want to rollback to. Snapshots are created using the pvecm command-line tool or through the Proxmox web interface.


qm rollback 100 my_snapshot

Output: The state of VM 100 is rolled back to the snapshot named “my_snapshot”. The VM will be reverted to the exact state it was in when the snapshot was created, including disk contents, memory state, and any running processes.

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