How to use the command qmmp (with examples)

How to use the command qmmp (with examples)

This article will provide examples of how to use the qmmp command, which is an audio player.

Use case 1: Launch qmmp



Motivation: Launching qmmp allows you to open the audio player and start using it to play your favorite songs and audio files.

Explanation: The “qmmp” command is used to launch the qmmp audio player.

Example output: The qmmp audio player will open, and you can start using it to play audio files.

Use case 2: Start or stop the currently playing audio


qmmp --play-pause

Motivation: Sometimes you may want to pause or resume the currently playing audio without having to interact with the player’s interface.

Explanation: The “–play-pause” argument is used with the “qmmp” command to start or stop the currently playing audio.

Example output: If the audio was playing, it will be paused. If the audio was paused, it will resume playing.

Use case 3: Seek forwards or backward a specific amount of time in seconds


qmmp --seek-fwd|bwd time_in_seconds

Motivation: When listening to long audio files, you may need to skip forward or backward to find a specific section or skip unwanted parts.

Explanation: The “–seek-fwd” and “–seek-bwd” arguments are used with the “qmmp” command to seek forwards or backward a specific amount of time in seconds. Replace “time_in_seconds” with the desired number of seconds.

Example output: If “–seek-fwd 10” is used, the audio will skip forward by 10 seconds. If “–seek-bwd 5” is used, the audio will skip backward by 5 seconds.

Use case 4: Play the next audio file


qmmp --next

Motivation: When listening to a playlist or a collection of audio files, you may want to play the next file without having to manually select it.

Explanation: The “–next” argument is used with the “qmmp” command to play the next audio file in the playlist or collection.

Example output: The player will skip to the next audio file and start playing it.

Use case 5: Play the previous audio file


qmmp --previous

Motivation: Similar to playing the next audio file, playing the previous audio file allows you to navigate backward through a playlist or collection.

Explanation: The “–previous” argument is used with the “qmmp” command to play the previous audio file in the playlist or collection.

Example output: The player will skip to the previous audio file and start playing it.

Use case 6: Print the current volume


qmmp --volume-status

Motivation: Knowing the current volume level can be useful for adjusting the audio output according to your preferences.

Explanation: The “–volume-status” argument is used with the “qmmp” command to print the current volume level.

Example output: The player will display the current volume level, such as “Volume: 80%”.

Use case 7: Increase or decrease the volume of the currently playing audio by 5 steps


qmmp --volume-inc|dec

Motivation: Adjusting the volume of the currently playing audio allows you to set the desired sound level without having to use the player’s interface.

Explanation: The “–volume-inc” and “–volume-dec” arguments are used with the “qmmp” command to increase or decrease the volume of the currently playing audio by 5 steps.

Example output: If “–volume-inc” is used, the player will increase the volume by 5 steps. If “–volume-dec” is used, the player will decrease the volume by 5 steps.


The qmmp command provides various functionalities for controlling the audio player. By utilizing these use cases, users can easily manage their audio playback, seek through audio files, navigate playlists, adjust the volume, and more. The flexibility of the qmmp command makes it a powerful tool for anyone looking for a feature-rich audio player.

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