How to use the command qoitopam (with examples)

How to use the command qoitopam (with examples)

The qoitopam command is used to convert a QOI image (Quite OK Image format) to Netpbm. QOI images are a custom image format, and by converting them to Netpbm, they can be easily manipulated, processed, or displayed using various tools and applications that support Netpbm format.

Use case 1: Convert a QOI image to Netpbm


qoitopam path/to/image.qoi > path/to/output.pnm

Motivation: The motivation for converting a QOI image to Netpbm is to make it compatible with various image processing tools and applications that support Netpbm format. By converting the image, you can easily manipulate, edit, or display the image using these tools.


  • qoitopam: This is the command itself, which converts the QOI image to Netpbm.
  • path/to/image.qoi: This is the path to the QOI image you want to convert. Replace “path/to/image.qoi” with the actual path to your QOI image file.
  • >: This is a redirection operator in the shell, which redirects the output of the command to a file instead of displaying it on the console.
  • path/to/output.pnm: This is the path to the output file where the converted Netpbm image will be saved. Replace “path/to/output.pnm” with the actual path and filename you want to save the converted image.

Example output: After running the command, the QOI image will be converted to Netpbm format and saved as the specified output file.

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