How to use the command qrcp (with examples)

How to use the command qrcp (with examples)

qrcp is a file transfer tool that allows users to easily send and receive files or directories between devices using QR codes. It provides a simple and convenient way to transfer files without the need for a common network connection. With qrcp, users can send files, compress content before transferring, specify the port and network interface to use, and keep the server alive.

Use case 1: Sending a file or directories


qrcp send path/to/file_or_directory path/to/file_directory ...

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to demonstrate how to use qrcp to send files or directories to another device. This can be useful when wanting to transfer files quickly and easily without relying on a common network connection.


  • qrcp send: This command tells qrcp to send files or directories to another device.
  • path/to/file_or_directory: This argument specifies the path to the file or directory that you want to send. You can provide multiple paths if you want to send multiple files or directories.

Example output:

qrcp server started, scan the QR code to start downloading
qrcp server started at

Use case 2: Receiving files


qrcp receive

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to illustrate how to receive files sent using qrcp. This can be useful when wanting to receive files from another device.


  • qrcp receive: This command tells qrcp to listen for incoming files and directories to be received.

Example output:

Received 1 file(s) from

Use case 3: Compressing content before transferring


qrcp send --zip path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to demonstrate how to use qrcp to compress content before transferring. This can be useful when wanting to reduce the size of files or directories before sending them.


  • qrcp send: This command tells qrcp to send files or directories to another device.
  • --zip: This flag instructs qrcp to compress the content before sending.
  • path/to/file_or_directory: This argument specifies the path to the file or directory that you want to send. You can provide multiple paths if you want to send multiple files or directories.

Example output:

qrcp server started, scan the QR code to start downloading
qrcp server started at

Use case 4: Specifying a port to use


qrcp send|receive --port port_number

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to show how to specify a specific port to use when sending or receiving files with qrcp. This can be useful when wanting to customize the port used for transfer.


  • qrcp send or qrcp receive: This command tells qrcp whether to send or receive files.
  • --port: This flag is used to specify the port number.
  • port_number: This argument specifies the port number to use for file transfer.

Example output:

qrcp server started at

Use case 5: Specifying the network interface to use


qrcp send|receive --interface interface

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to demonstrate how to specify a specific network interface to use for file transfer with qrcp. This can be useful when wanting to use a specific network interface on a device with multiple interfaces.


  • qrcp send or qrcp receive: This command tells qrcp whether to send or receive files.
  • --interface: This flag is used to specify the network interface.
  • interface: This argument specifies the network interface to use for file transfer.

Example output:

qrcp server started at

Use case 6: Keeping the server alive


qrcp send|receive --keep-alive

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to illustrate how to keep the server alive when sending or receiving files with qrcp. This can be useful when needing to ensure the availability of the server for an extended period.


  • qrcp send or qrcp receive: This command tells qrcp whether to send or receive files.
  • --keep-alive: This flag is used to keep the server alive.

Example output:

qrcp server started at, press ctrl+C to stop the server


The qrcp command provides a simple and convenient way to transfer files or directories between devices using QR codes. With its various options such as sending files, compressing content, specifying ports and network interfaces, and keeping the server alive, qrcp offers flexibility and ease of use.

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