How to use the command 'query' (with examples)

How to use the command 'query' (with examples)

The ‘query’ command is a powerful tool used to display information about user sessions and processes. It provides various options and parameters to customize the output according to specific requirements. This article aims to illustrate each of the different use cases of the ‘query’ command and provide examples for each scenario.

Use case 1: Display all user sessions


query session

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to view all active user sessions on the local machine. It provides information such as session ID, username, state, and session type. By executing this command, you can quickly identify how many users are currently logged in and their session states.

Example Output:

 SESSIONNAME       USERNAME                 ID  STATE   TYPE        DEVICE
>services                                    0  Disc
 console           Administrator             1  Active
 rdp-tcp                                 65536  Listen

Use case 2: Display the current user sessions on a remote computer


query session /server:hostname

Motivation: Sometimes it is necessary to check the user sessions on a remote computer. This command allows you to specify the target computer by using the /server parameter followed by the hostname. This can be useful for administrators who need to monitor user activity on specific machines in a networked environment.

Example Output:

 SESSIONNAME       USERNAME                 ID  STATE   TYPE        DEVICE
>console           Administrator             0  Active

Use case 3: Display logged in users


query user

Motivation: This command is used to display a list of logged-in users. It provides information such as the username, session type, and session status. By executing this command, you can quickly determine who is logged in to the system at any given time.

Example Output:

>Administrator            console             0  Active          1+00   07/12/2022 08:30

Use case 4: Display all user sessions on a remote computer


query session /server:hostname

Motivation: Similar to the second use case, this command also allows you to view user sessions on a remote computer. By specifying the target computer using the /server parameter followed by the hostname, you can fetch information about the sessions on the remote machine.

Example Output:

 SESSIONNAME       USERNAME                 ID  STATE   TYPE        DEVICE
>console           Administrator             0  Active

Use case 5: Display all running processes


query process

Motivation: In some situations, it is necessary to determine the running processes on the system. This command provides a list of all active processes along with their process IDs (PIDs), session IDs, and memory usage. By executing this command, you can get an overview of which processes are currently running on the system.

Example Output:

  SESSIONNAME       USERNAME                 ID  PID    IMAGE
>services                                    0     4    System
 console           Administrator             1   544    cmd.exe

Use case 6: Display running processes by session or username


query process session_name|user_name

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to narrow down the list of running processes based on a particular user session or username. By providing the session name or username as an argument, you can retrieve information about the processes associated with a specific session or user.

Example Output:

  SESSIONNAME       USERNAME                 ID  PID    IMAGE
>console           Administrator             0   544    cmd.exe


The ‘query’ command in Windows provides a comprehensive set of options to obtain information about user sessions and processes. Whether it’s checking active user sessions, monitoring remote computers, or retrieving process details, the ‘query’ command offers flexibility and valuable information for system administrators and users alike. By familiarizing yourself with the different use cases and examples provided in this article, you can effectively utilize the ‘query’ command to meet your specific requirements.

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