Managing Patches with Quilt (with examples)

Managing Patches with Quilt (with examples)

Import an existing patch from a file:


quilt import path/to/filename.patch

Motivation: Importing an existing patch from a file allows you to incorporate changes made by other developers into your codebase. This is especially useful when working on a collaborative project where different team members may be working on different parts of the codebase.


  • quilt import: This command is used to import an existing patch from a file.
  • path/to/filename.patch: Specifies the path to the patch file that you want to import.

Example Output:

Patch path/to/filename.patch is now on top

Create a new patch:


quilt new filename.patch

Motivation: Creating a new patch is necessary when you want to keep track of specific changes made to your codebase. This is useful for future reference or when you need to apply those changes to other versions of your code.


  • quilt new: This command is used to create a new patch.
  • filename.patch: Specifies the name of the new patch file to be created.

Example Output:

Patch filename.patch is now on top

Add a file to the current patch:


quilt add path/to/file

Motivation: Adding a file to the current patch is necessary when you want to include specific changes made to a particular file in your patch. This allows you to track changes at a file level and selectively apply patches to individual files.


  • quilt add: This command is used to add a file to the current patch.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path to the file that you want to add to the patch.

Example Output:

Adding path/to/file to patch filename.patch

Refresh the current patch with changes made to a file:


quilt refresh

Motivation: Refreshing the current patch with changes made to a file is essential when you want to incorporate the latest modifications into your patch. This ensures that your patch accurately reflects the changes made to the file.


  • quilt refresh: This command is used to refresh the current patch with changes made to a file.

Example Output:

Refreshing patch filename.patch

Apply all the patches in the series file:


quilt push -a

Motivation: Applying all the patches in the series file is necessary when you want to incorporate a series of patches into your codebase. This allows you to apply multiple patches sequentially and ensures that the changes introduced by these patches are correctly applied.


  • quilt push: This command is used to apply patches from a series file.
  • -a: Applies all the patches in the series file.

Example Output:

Applying patch filename.patch
All patches applied successfully

Remove all applied patches:


quilt pop -a

Motivation: Removing all applied patches is necessary when you want to revert the changes introduced by the patches and return to the original state of your codebase. This allows you to clean up and start fresh without the applied patches.


  • quilt pop: This command is used to remove applied patches.
  • -a: Removes all applied patches.

Example Output:

Removing patch filename.patch
All patches have been popped successfully

By using these different use cases of the quilt command, you can effectively manage a series of patches, import and create new patches, add files to patches, refresh patches with file changes, apply patches, and remove applied patches. This provides you with a powerful tool for managing changes to your codebase and collaborating with other developers.

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