How to use the command 'raco' (with examples)

How to use the command 'raco' (with examples)

The ‘raco’ command is a set of command-line tools for the Racket programming language. It provides various functionalities such as package installation, building collections, running tests, searching local documentation, and displaying help. In this article, we will explore each of these use cases and provide examples.

Use case 1: Install a package, automatically installing dependencies


raco pkg install --auto package_source

Motivation: Installing a package in Racket often requires installing its dependencies as well. Instead of manually installing each dependency, the ‘–auto’ flag allows us to automatically install all the required dependencies along with the package.


  • raco pkg install is the command to install a package in Racket.
  • --auto is the flag that tells Racket to automatically install the package’s dependencies.
  • package_source is the source of the package, which can be a URL or a local package directory.

Example output:

Installing package: package_name
Downloading dependency: dependency1
Downloading dependency: dependency2
Successfully installed package: package_name

Use case 2: Install the current directory as a package


raco pkg install

Motivation: Installing the current directory as a package allows us to easily manage and distribute our own Racket code. This is useful for sharing code with others or for organizing our own projects.


  • raco pkg install is the command to install the current directory as a package. It assumes that the current directory contains a valid Racket package structure.

Example output:

Installing package: my_package
Successfully installed package: my_package

Use case 3: Build (or rebuild) bytecode, documentation, executables, and metadata indexes for collections


raco setup collection1 collection2 ...

Motivation: When working with Racket collections, such as libraries or packages, it is often necessary to build or rebuild their bytecode, documentation, executables, and metadata indexes. The ‘raco setup’ command automates this process and ensures that the collections are up to date.


  • raco setup is the command to build or rebuild the specified collections.
  • collection1 collection2 ... are the names of the collections that need to be built or rebuilt. These can be package names or paths to collection directories.

Example output:

Building collection: collection_name1
Building collection: collection_name2
Successfully built collections: collection_name1, collection_name2

Use case 4: Run tests in files


raco test path/to/tests1.rkt path/to/tests2.rkt ...

Motivation: Testing is an important part of software development, and Racket provides a built-in testing framework. The ‘raco test’ command allows us to easily run tests defined in Racket source files.


  • raco test is the command to run tests in Racket source files.
  • path/to/tests1.rkt path/to/tests2.rkt ... are the paths to the Racket source files that contain the tests.

Example output:

Running tests in: path/to/tests1.rkt
Running tests in: path/to/tests2.rkt
All tests passed!

Use case 5: Search local documentation


raco docs search_terms ...

Motivation: The Racket documentation is extensive, and searching for specific information can be time-consuming. The ‘raco docs’ command provides a convenient way to search the local documentation for specific terms.


  • raco docs is the command to search the local documentation.
  • search_terms ... are the terms to search for in the documentation. Multiple search terms can be provided.

Example output:

Searching for: search_terms
Search results:
- result1
- result2
- result3

Use case 6: Display help


raco help

Motivation: When working with command-line tools, it is often helpful to have quick access to documentation or help. The ‘raco help’ command provides information about the available commands and their usage.


  • raco help is the command to display help for the ‘raco’ command-line tools.

Example output:

Racket command-line tools.

Available commands:
- pkg
- setup
- test
- docs
- help


The ‘raco’ command-line tools provide a range of functionalities for managing Racket packages, building collections, running tests, searching documentation, and accessing help. Understanding and utilizing these tools can greatly enhance the development workflow and productivity when working with Racket.

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