Using the Railway Command (with examples)

Using the Railway Command (with examples)

Railway is a powerful platform that allows developers to easily deploy and manage their code. The railway command line tool is an essential part of working with Railway projects, providing a simple way to interact with and control your project. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the railway command by providing code examples, motivations for using each example, explanations for the arguments, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Login to a Railway Account

The railway login command allows you to log in to your Railway account. This is a necessary step before you can start working with your projects.

railway login

Motivation: You would use this command when you want to authenticate yourself with Railway to perform actions on your projects, such as deploying or managing resources.

Explanation: The command railway login prompts you to open a web browser to complete the login process. Once you have logged in successfully, you will be able to access your Railway projects using the command line.

Example Output: Once the login process is complete, you will receive a message confirming that you are authenticated and can now use other Railway commands.

The railway link command allows you to link to an existing project in your Railway account or team. This is useful when you want to work on a specific project and need to set it as the active project.

railway link projectId

Motivation: You would use this command when you want to switch your active project to the one specified by the projectId. This allows you to deploy, run commands, and perform other actions on that project.

Explanation: The railway link command requires the projectId argument, which is the identifier of the project you want to link to. You can find the projectId in the Railway web interface or by using the railway projects command.

Example Output: Once the project is successfully linked, you will receive a message confirming that you are now connected to the specified project.

Use Case 3: Create a New Project

The railway init command allows you to create a new project in Railway. This is the first step you would take if you want to start a new project and deploy it using Railway.

railway init

Motivation: You would use this command when you want to create a new Railway project. This command sets up a new project directory and initializes it with the necessary configuration files.

Explanation: The railway init command creates a new project directory in your current working directory. It also creates some initial configuration files, such as railway.yaml and .railway for managing your Railway project.

Example Output: Once the project initialization is complete, you will receive a message confirming that the project directory is created and configured.

Use Case 4: Run a Local Command with Environment Variables

The railway run command allows you to run a local command using environment variables from the active Railway project. This is useful when you want to use project-specific environment variables while running commands on your local machine.

railway run cmd

Motivation: You would use this command when you have defined environment variables in your Railway project that are required for a local command to execute properly. This allows you to use these environment variables without explicitly setting them in your local environment.

Explanation: The railway run command runs the cmd argument as a local command in your terminal. It automatically injects the environment variables from the active Railway project, allowing you to access them within your command.

Example Output: When running a command with railway run, you will see the output of the command in your terminal. If the command requires certain environment variables, Railway will automatically inject them for you.

Use Case 5: Deploy the Linked Project

The railway up command deploys the linked project directory to Railway. This is the command you would use to deploy your project and make it accessible on the web.

railway up

Motivation: You would use this command when you want to deploy your project to Railway. It triggers the deployment process, which includes building and running your project in the Railway infrastructure.

Explanation: The railway up command deploys the linked project directory to Railway. It starts by building your project and its dependencies, then runs any necessary database migrations, and finally starts your application.

Example Output: When deploying a project with railway up, you will see the deployment process in action in your terminal. Once the deployment is complete, you will receive a message with the URL where your project is accessible.

Use Case 6: Open an Interactive Shell to a Database

The railway connect command opens an interactive shell to a database in your Railway project. This is useful when you want to directly interact with your project’s database using SQL commands.

railway connect

Motivation: You would use this command when you want to execute SQL queries directly on your project’s database. This allows you to explore and manipulate the data in your database without using other tools or interfaces.

Explanation: The railway connect command opens an interactive shell to the default database defined in your Railway project. It uses the credentials and connection information specified in your project configuration.

Example Output: When running railway connect, you will see the database shell prompt in your terminal. From there, you can execute SQL commands and interact with your database. The specific output will depend on the actions you perform within the database shell.


The railway command line tool provides a convenient way to interact with your Railway projects. We have explored various use cases, including logging in to your Railway account, linking to an existing project, creating a new project, running local commands with project environment variables, deploying projects, and connecting to databases. By understanding and utilizing these commands, you can effectively manage and deploy your code using Railway.

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