How to use the command raspi-config (with examples)

How to use the command raspi-config (with examples)

The raspi-config command is an ncurses terminal GUI that helps configure a Raspberry Pi. It provides an easy and convenient way to change various Raspberry Pi configurations.

Use case 1: Start raspi-config


sudo raspi-config


Starting raspi-config with sudo raspi-config allows you to access and modify Raspberry Pi configurations. You need to run it with sudo privileges to make changes to system settings.


  • sudo: It is a command that allows the execution of a command as the superuser or root user. Here, we use sudo to run raspi-config as the root user because modifying system settings requires elevated permissions.
  • raspi-config: This is the command to start the raspi-config utility.

Example output:

Once you execute sudo raspi-config, it will open the raspi-config interface. From there, you can navigate using the arrow keys and select various options like changing the boot options, expanding the file system, enabling SSH, configuring the Wi-Fi, and more.


The raspi-config command provides an easy way to configure a Raspberry Pi. By running sudo raspi-config, you can access the raspi-config utility and make changes to the system settings of your Raspberry Pi. It is a powerful tool that helps you customize your Raspberry Pi according to your needs.

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