How to use the command rc-service (with examples)

How to use the command rc-service (with examples)

The rc-service command is a versatile tool that allows users to locate and run OpenRC services with arguments. It is widely used in Linux systems and provides various functionalities to manage and control services.

Use case 1: Show a service’s status


rc-service service_name status

Motivation: Knowing the status of a service is crucial for system administrators to troubleshoot issues and monitor the health of the system. This command provides a quick way to check the status of a service.


  • rc-service: The rc-service command itself.
  • service_name: The name of the service whose status you want to check.

Example output:

 * status: started

Use case 2: Start a service


sudo rc-service service_name start

Motivation: Starting a service is necessary after installation or when the service has been manually stopped. This command allows users to initiate the service and get it up and running.


  • sudo: This command requires administrative privileges, hence the use of sudo.
  • rc-service: The rc-service command itself.
  • service_name: The name of the service you want to start.

Example output:

 * Service service_name started

Use case 3: Stop a service


sudo rc-service service_name stop

Motivation: Stopping a service is useful when troubleshooting or performing maintenance tasks. This command allows users to gracefully stop a service and prevent it from running temporarily.


  • sudo: This command requires administrative privileges, hence the use of sudo.
  • rc-service: The rc-service command itself.
  • service_name: The name of the service you want to stop.

Example output:

 * Service service_name stopped

Use case 4: Restart a service


sudo rc-service service_name restart

Motivation: Restarting a service is often required to apply configuration changes or resolve issues. This command allows users to stop and start a service in a single step.


  • sudo: This command requires administrative privileges, hence the use of sudo.
  • rc-service: The rc-service command itself.
  • service_name: The name of the service you want to restart.

Example output:

 * Service service_name stopped
 * Service service_name started

Use case 5: Simulate running a service’s custom command


sudo rc-service --dry-run service_name command_name

Motivation: Simulating the execution of a service’s custom command is useful to preview the actions that will be taken. This command allows users to verify what would happen without actually executing the command.


  • sudo: This command requires administrative privileges, hence the use of sudo.
  • rc-service: The rc-service command itself.
  • --dry-run: This flag ensures that the command will only be simulated and not actually executed.
  • service_name: The name of the service.
  • command_name: The name of the custom command to simulate.

Example output:

 * The command 'command_name' for service 'service_name' would be executed.

Use case 6: Actually run a service’s custom command


sudo rc-service service_name command_name

Motivation: Running a service’s custom command is essential to perform specific actions associated with that service. This command allows users to execute custom commands associated with a service.


  • sudo: This command requires administrative privileges, hence the use of sudo.
  • rc-service: The rc-service command itself.
  • service_name: The name of the service.
  • command_name: The name of the custom command to execute.

Example output:

 * Executing command_name for service service_name

Use case 7: Resolve the location of a service definition on disk


sudo rc-service --resolve service_name

Motivation: Knowing the location of a service definition on disk can be useful for troubleshooting purposes or making changes to the service configuration. This command provides the path to the service file.


  • sudo: This command requires administrative privileges, hence the use of sudo.
  • rc-service: The rc-service command itself.
  • --resolve: This flag instructs the command to resolve the location of the service definition.
  • service_name: The name of the service.

Example output:



The rc-service command is a powerful tool for managing and controlling OpenRC services. With its various use cases, administrators and users can easily check service status, start and stop services, simulate and execute custom commands, and resolve the location of service definitions. Mastering the usage of rc-service can significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of managing services in a Linux environment.

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