How to use the command 'rdpsign' (with examples)

How to use the command 'rdpsign' (with examples)

The ‘rdpsign’ command is a tool provided by Microsoft that allows users to sign Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) files. Signing an RDP file ensures the integrity and authenticity of the file, providing a level of security when using remote desktop connections. The ‘rdpsign’ command has various options that can be used to customize the signing process.

Use case 1: Sign an RDP file


rdpsign path\to\file.rdp

Motivation: Signing an RDP file is essential to ensure that it has not been tampered with and comes from a trusted source. By signing the file, users can be confident that the contents of the RDP file are secure.


  • ‘rdpsign’: The command itself.
  • ‘path\to\file.rdp’: The path to the RDP file that needs to be signed.

Example output: Signing file.rdp successful.

Use case 2: Sign an RDP file using a specific sha256 hash


rdpsign path\to\file.rdp /sha265 hash

Motivation: In some cases, it may be necessary to use a specific sha256 hash to sign an RDP file. This can be useful when dealing with unique encryption requirements or when a specific hash algorithm is required.


  • ‘/sha265 hash’: This option is used to specify a specific sha256 hash for signing the RDP file.
  • ‘hash’: The sha256 hash to be used for signing.

Example output: Signing file.rdp successful.

Use case 3: Enable quiet output


rdpsign path\to\file.rdp /q

Motivation: Enabling quiet output can be useful when scripting or automating the signing process. It allows users to get the necessary output without any additional noise.


  • ‘/q’: This option is used to enable quiet output.

Example output: N/A (No output will be displayed)

Use case 4: Display verbose warnings, messages, and statuses


rdpsign path\to\file.rdp /v

Motivation: Displaying verbose warnings, messages, and statuses can help in understanding the signing process and troubleshooting any issues that may arise.


  • ‘/v’: This option is used to enable verbose output, which includes warnings, messages, and statuses.

Example output:

Generating RDP signature...
Signing file.rdp successful.

- Some RDP settings may not be compatible with the current signing process.

- Generating RDP signature...
- Successfully signed file: file.rdp

Use case 5: Test the signing by displaying the output to stdout without updating the file


rdpsign path\to\file.rdp /l

Motivation: Testing the signing process without updating the file can be helpful in ensuring that the correct signing options are being used and that the signing process is working as expected.


  • ‘/l’: This option is used to test the signing process by displaying the output to stdout without updating the file.

Example output:

Generating RDP signature...
Signature test successful.


The ‘rdpsign’ command is a useful tool for signing RDP files, providing an additional layer of security when using remote desktop connections. By exploring the various use cases and options of the ‘rdpsign’ command, users can customize the signing process to meet their specific requirements and ensure the integrity and authenticity of their RDP files.

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