How to use the command readlink (with examples)

How to use the command readlink (with examples)

  • Osx
  • November 5, 2023

The readlink command is used to follow symbolic links and get information about them. It is a part of the GNU Core Utilities package and is commonly available on Linux systems. The command takes a path to a symbolic link file as an argument and prints the absolute path that the symlink points to.


readlink path/to/symlink_file

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to determine the actual target of a symbolic link. Symlinks are often used to create shortcuts or aliases for files or directories, and it can be useful to know the path they lead to.


  • readlink: The command itself.
  • path/to/symlink_file: Replace this with the actual path to the symbolic link file you want to inspect.

Example output:

Let’s say we have a symbolic link file called shortcut in the directory /home/user and it points to the file document.txt located in /var/documents. Running the following command:

readlink /home/user/shortcut

The output would be:


This tells us that the symlink /home/user/shortcut points to the file /var/documents/document.txt.


The readlink command is a useful tool for inspecting symbolic links and getting information about their targets. With it, you can easily determine the path that a symlink points to, allowing you to understand the underlying file or directory that it represents.

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