How to use the command recsel (with examples)

How to use the command recsel (with examples)

The command recsel is used to print records from a recfile, which is a human-editable, plain text database. It provides an efficient way to retrieve data from a structured database file. The command supports various options and allows you to extract specific fields and match data based on patterns.

Use case 1: Extract name and version field


recsel -p name,version data.rec

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to extract specific fields, such as name and version, from the recfile. This can be useful when you only need to view or work with specific data fields and want to exclude others for better readability.


  • -p name,version: Specifies the fields to be printed. In this case, we are specifying the fields “name” and “version” to be printed from the recfile.
  • data.rec: Specifies the input recfile from which the records will be printed.

Example output:

name                    version
example1                1.0
example2                2.5
example3                3.2

Use case 2: Use “~” to match a string with a given regular expression


recsel -e "field_name ~ 'regular_expression' data.rec"

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to search for specific records that match a given regular expression. The “~” operator allows us to perform pattern matching, which can be useful when we have complex search criteria.


  • -e "field_name ~ 'regular_expression'": Specifies the search pattern using regular expression. In this case, replace “field_name” with the actual field name you want to search and ‘regular_expression’ with the pattern you want to match.
  • data.rec: Specifies the input recfile on which the search operation will be performed.

Example output:

name                    version
example2                2.5
example4                1.0

Use case 3: Use a predicate to match a name and a version


recsel -e "name ~ 'regular_expression' && version ~ 'regular_expression'" data.rec

Motivation: The motivation behind using this example is to apply multiple search conditions simultaneously. By using a predicate with the logical AND operator, we can narrow down our search results based on multiple fields.


  • -e "name ~ 'regular_expression' && version ~ 'regular_expression'": Specifies the search pattern using regular expressions for both the “name” and “version” fields. Replace ‘regular_expression’ with the desired pattern you want to match for each field.
  • data.rec: Specifies the input recfile on which the search operation will be performed.

Example output:

name                    version
example2                2.5
example3                3.2


The recsel command provides a flexible way to extract records and perform pattern matching on a recfile. With its various options, you can easily retrieve specific fields or search for records based on complex criteria. This command is particularly useful when working with human-editable, plain text databases.

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