How to use the Redis command-line interface (redis-cli) (with examples)

How to use the Redis command-line interface (redis-cli) (with examples)

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. The Redis command-line interface (redis-cli) is a simple yet powerful tool that allows users to interact with a Redis server using commands.

Use case 1: Connect to the local server



Motivation: You may want to connect to the local Redis server to manage the data stored in it or to execute Redis commands.

Explanation: The redis-cli command without any arguments opens a connection to the Redis server running on the default host (localhost) and port (6379).

Example output:>

Use case 2: Connect to a remote server on the default port


redis-cli -h host

Motivation: You may need to connect to a Redis server running on a remote machine to manage or retrieve data.

Explanation: The -h option specifies the host (IP address or hostname) of the Redis server. By providing the host argument, the redis-cli command connects to the Redis server running on the specified host and default port (6379).

Example output:


Use case 3: Connect to a remote server specifying a port number


redis-cli -h host -p port

Motivation: If the Redis server is running on a non-standard port, you can connect to it by providing the port number.

Explanation: The -p option specifies the port number of the Redis server. By providing both the host and port arguments, the redis-cli command connects to the Redis server running on the specified host and port.

Example output:


Use case 4: Connect to a remote server specifying a URI


redis-cli -u uri

Motivation: Some Redis hosting providers may provide a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that can be used to connect to their Redis servers.

Explanation: The -u option specifies the URI of the Redis server. By providing the URI argument, the redis-cli command connects to the Redis server specified in the URI.

Example output:


Use case 5: Specify a password


redis-cli -a password

Motivation: If the Redis server is password-protected, you need to provide the correct password to establish a connection.

Explanation: The -a option specifies the password required to authenticate with the Redis server. By providing the password argument, the redis-cli command connects to the Redis server using the provided password.

Example output:


Use case 6: Execute Redis command


redis-cli redis_command

Motivation: You can directly execute Redis commands using the redis-cli command.

Explanation: Simply provide the desired Redis command as an argument to the redis-cli command, and it will be executed on the connected Redis server.

Example output:


Use case 7: Connect to the local cluster


redis-cli -c

Motivation: If you are connecting to a Redis cluster, using the -c option enables cluster mode and allows you to execute cluster-specific commands.

Explanation: The -c option enables cluster mode in redis-cli, which means it can connect to a Redis cluster and execute commands that operate on the cluster as a whole.

Example output:> CLUSTER INFO


The redis-cli command-line interface provides various options for connecting to Redis servers, executing commands, and managing Redis data. Whether you are connecting to a local or remote server, specifying a port number or URI, or executing Redis commands, redis-cli is a versatile tool that simplifies Redis server management and interaction.

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