Using reg add to Add New Keys and Values to the Registry (with examples)

Using reg add to Add New Keys and Values to the Registry (with examples)

Add a new registry key

reg add key_name

Motivation: This command is used to add a new registry key. Registry keys are containers that hold values in the Windows registry. Adding a new key can help organize and structure the registry for better management.


  • key_name: Specifies the name of the registry key to be created.
  • This command will create a new registry key with the specified name.

Example Output: If we execute reg add HKCU\Software\MyApp, a new registry key called “MyApp” will be created under the “Software” key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.

Add a new value under a specific key

reg add key_name /v value

Motivation: When working with the Windows registry, adding values under specific keys allows us to store and retrieve configuration or application data. This command is useful for setting values within a registry key.


  • key_name: Specifies the name of the registry key where the value will be added.
  • /v value: Specifies the name of the value to be added.

Example Output: Let’s assume we execute reg add HKCU\Software\MyApp /v Version, this command will add a new value named “Version” under the “MyApp” key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.

Add a new value with specific data

reg add key_name /d data

Motivation: When setting registry values, it is often necessary to specify the actual data that will be stored. This command allows us to add a new value to a registry key with specific data.


  • key_name: Specifies the name of the registry key where the value will be added.
  • /d data: Specifies the data to be associated with the value.

Example Output: If we execute reg add HKCU\Software\MyApp /v Version /d "1.0.0", a new value named “Version” with the data “1.0.0” will be added under the “MyApp” key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.

Add a new value to a key with a specific data type

reg add key_name /t type

Motivation: The Windows registry supports different data types such as string, binary, DWORD, etc. By specifying the data type, we can ensure that the value is stored correctly in the registry and can be interpreted correctly by applications.


  • key_name: Specifies the name of the registry key where the value will be added.
  • /t type: Specifies the data type for the value. The supported data types are string(REG_SZ), binary(REG_BINARY), DWORD(REG_DWORD), QWORD(REG_QWORD), multistring(REG_MULTI_SZ), ExpandString(REG_EXPAND_SZ).

Example Output: For example, if we execute reg add HKCU\Software\MyApp /v Version /t REG_SZ, this command will add a new string value named “Version” under the “MyApp” key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.

Forcefully overwrite the existing registry value without a prompt

reg add key_name /f

Motivation: Sometimes, when adding or modifying values in the registry, it is necessary to overwrite existing values without any prompt for confirmation. This command allows us to forcefully overwrite the existing registry value.


  • key_name: Specifies the name of the registry key where the value will be added or modified.
  • /f: Forces the operation without any prompt for confirmation.

Example Output: If we execute reg add HKCU\Software\MyApp /v Version /d "2.0.0" /f, this command will add or modify the value named “Version” under the “MyApp” key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive, overwriting any existing value without prompting for confirmation.

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