How to use the command 'reg copy' (with examples)

How to use the command 'reg copy' (with examples)

The reg copy command is an invaluable tool for managing the Windows registry, a hierarchical database that stores low-level settings for the operating system and certain applications. The command enables users to copy registry keys along with their associated values from one location to another. Registry keys are similar to folders, and values within them contain information related to configurations and settings. This flexibility allows for quick and efficient registry management, making it particularly useful for administrative tasks or troubleshooting configuration issues.

Use case 1: Copy a registry key to a new registry location


reg copy old_key_name new_key_name


The primary reason one might want to copy a registry key to a new location is to preserve the current configuration while testing new settings, or to create a backup before making changes. This task is integral for administrators and power users who frequently tweak system settings or deploy application configurations.


  • reg: This is the command line tool used to interact with the Windows registry.
  • copy: Specifies the action to duplicate the registry key from one location to another.
  • old_key_name: This argument holds the path of the registry key you wish to copy. It acts as the source.
  • new_key_name: This argument signifies the destination path where the copied registry key will be placed. This is the target location for the copied key.

Example output:

Assuming you are copying the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyApp to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyAppBackup, you might see a confirmation message indicating the operation was successful, like:

Operation completed successfully.

Use case 2: Copy a registry key recursively (with all [s]ubkeys) to a new registry location


reg copy old_key_name new_key_name /s


This use case is crucial when you want not only to duplicate a single key but also all its subordinate keys and their values. Such a full replication is necessary for comprehensive backups or when cloning configurations from one system to another, ensuring no details are overlooked.


  • /s: This switch is used to specify that the operation should include subkeys beneath the main registry key. It ensures that the entire hierarchy is duplicated to the destination.

Example output:

Upon executing this command, particularly with a deep registry structure like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Example, output may indicate success on copying numerous entries:

Successfully copied 25 subkeys and values.

Use case 3: [f]orcefully (without a prompt) copy a registry key


reg copy old_key_name new_key_name /f


Using the /f flag is crucial in scenarios where you need to automate the copying process—such as in scripts or scheduled tasks—and want to ensure that the operation completes without any manual intervention, particularly useful when overwriting keys that might already exist at the destination.


  • /f: This option forces the command to proceed without prompting the user for confirmation if the destination key already exists. It is a handy feature that allows for non-interactive, seamless execution in batch processes.

Example output:

In a typical automation context, like copying HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Settings to an existing key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\SettingsBackup, you might see:

Operation forced and completed successfully.


Mastering the reg copy command can significantly streamline the process of registry management. Whether it’s preparing for configuration changes, creating exact replicas of key structures, or automating administrative tasks without prompts, understanding and utilizing the different functionalities of this command enhances the efficiency and reliability of system management duties. These examples demonstrate practical applications of reg copy, emphasizing its versatility and importance in the toolkit of any system administrator or advanced user.

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