How to use the command 'reg copy' (with examples)

How to use the command 'reg copy' (with examples)

The ‘reg copy’ command is a Windows command-line tool that allows you to copy keys and their values in the registry. This can be useful for creating backups, migrating registry settings, or making changes to the registry.

Use case 1: Copy a registry key to a new registry location


reg copy old_key_name new_key_name


You may want to copy a registry key to a new location if you want to create a backup of the key or if you want to modify the key without affecting the original. By copying the key, you can make changes to the copied key without worrying about the consequences.


  • ‘reg copy’ is the command used to copy registry keys.
  • ‘old_key_name’ is the name of the registry key you want to copy.
  • ’new_key_name’ is the name of the new registry key where you want to copy the old key.

Example output:

The operation completed successfully.

Use case 2: Copy a registry key recursively to a new registry location


reg copy old_key_name new_key_name /s


Copying a registry key recursively allows you to copy not only the key itself but also all of its subkeys and values. This can be useful if you want to backup or migrate a portion of the registry that contains multiple levels of nested keys and values.


  • ‘reg copy’ is the command used to copy registry keys.
  • ‘old_key_name’ is the name of the registry key you want to copy.
  • ’new_key_name’ is the name of the new registry key where you want to copy the old key.
  • ‘/s’ is an argument that specifies to copy the key and its subkeys recursively.

Example output:

The operation completed successfully.

Use case 3: Forcefully copy a registry key without a prompt


reg copy old_key_name new_key_name /f


Sometimes, when copying a registry key, you may encounter a prompt asking for confirmation to overwrite an existing key. If you want to skip this prompt and forcefully copy the key without any interruptions, you can use the ‘/f’ argument.


  • ‘reg copy’ is the command used to copy registry keys.
  • ‘old_key_name’ is the name of the registry key you want to copy.
  • ’new_key_name’ is the name of the new registry key where you want to copy the old key.
  • ‘/f’ is an argument that specifies to copy the key forcibly without prompting for confirmation.

Example output:

The operation completed successfully.


The ‘reg copy’ command is a powerful tool for copying registry keys and their values. Whether you want to create backups, migrate registry settings, or make changes to the registry, this command provides various options to suit different use cases. By following the examples and explanations provided, you can effectively utilize this command for your specific needs.

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