reg load (with examples)

reg load (with examples)

The reg load command in Windows allows you to load saved subkeys into a different subkey in the registry. This can be useful for troubleshooting purposes or when you need to temporarily access or modify registry settings. In this article, we will explore eight different use cases of the reg load command, along with code examples for each.

Use Case 1: Loading a backup file into the specified key

Suppose you have a backup file of a subkey in the registry, and you want to load it into a specified key. You can use the reg load command to achieve this.


reg load HKU\LoadedHive C:\Backup\user_backup.reg


Loading a backup file into the registry can be helpful when you need to restore specific registry settings from a backup. It allows you to access the values and data stored in the backup file as if they were part of the registry.


  • HKU\LoadedHive: Specifies the key name under which the backup file will be loaded. In this example, we are loading it under the HKEY_USERS root key with the name LoadedHive.
  • C:\Backup\user_backup.reg: The path to the backup file that you want to load into the registry.

Example Output:

If the operation is successful, the command will not produce any output. However, you can verify if the backup file has been loaded by using other commands, such as reg query.

Use Case 2: Loading a temporary key for troubleshooting

The reg load command can also be used to create temporary keys in the registry for troubleshooting purposes.


reg load TEMPKEY C:\Temp\troubleshoot.reg


Creating a temporary key can be helpful when you need to test changes or experiment with registry settings without modifying the original keys. It allows you to isolate the changes and rollback easily if something goes wrong.


  • TEMPKEY: Specifies the key name for the temporary key. You can choose any suitable name, but make sure it is unique and will not conflict with existing keys.
  • C:\Temp\troubleshoot.reg: The path to the file that contains the registry settings you want to load into the temporary key.

Example Output:

If the operation is successful, the command will not produce any output. You can then use other registry commands, like reg query or regedit, to work with the temporary key.

Use Case 3: Loading a backup file into a remote registry

It is also possible to use the reg load command to load a backup file into a remote registry on a different computer.


reg load \\RemoteComputer\HKLM\LoadedHive C:\Backup\system_backup.reg


Loading a backup file into a remote registry can be useful when you need to restore registry settings on a remote computer. It allows you to load and modify the registry settings without physically accessing the computer.


  • \\RemoteComputer\HKLM\LoadedHive: Specifies the remote computer and the key name under which the backup file will be loaded.
  • C:\Backup\system_backup.reg: The path to the backup file that you want to load into the remote registry.

Example Output:

If the operation is successful, the command will not produce any output. You can then use other commands to interact with the loaded key on the remote computer.

Use Case 4: Loading a backup file into a different root key

The reg load command can also be used to load a backup file into a different root key instead of the default HKEY_USERS root key.


reg load HKLM\LoadedHive C:\Backup\software_backup.reg


Loading a backup file into a different root key can be necessary when you want to restore registry settings related to system-wide software configurations or other root key specific settings.


  • HKLM\LoadedHive: Specifies the destination key under which the backup file will be loaded. In this example, we are loading it under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root key with the name LoadedHive.
  • C:\Backup\software_backup.reg: The path to the backup file that you want to load into the registry.

Example Output:

If the operation is successful, the command will not produce any output. You can then use other commands or tools to interact with the loaded key.

Use Case 5: Loading a backup file into a different subkey

In addition to loading a backup file into a different root key, you can also specify a different subkey for loading the backup file.


reg load HKU\CurrentUser\LoadedHive C:\Backup\settings_backup.reg


Loading a backup file into a different subkey can be useful when you want to restore specific user-related registry settings or modify them without affecting the original subkey.


  • HKU\CurrentUser\LoadedHive: Specifies the subkey under which the backup file will be loaded. In this example, we are loading it under the CurrentUser subkey with the name LoadedHive.
  • C:\Backup\settings_backup.reg: The path to the backup file that you want to load into the registry.

Example Output:

If the operation is successful, the command will not produce any output. You can then use other commands or tools to interact with the loaded key.

Use Case 6: Loading a backup file with a different key name

The reg load command also allows you to specify a different key name for the loaded backup file.


reg load HKU\LoadedConfig C:\Backup\config_backup.reg


Specifying a different key name for the loaded backup file can be helpful when you want to differentiate between multiple backup files or when you need to load them under a specific name for organizational purposes.


  • HKU\LoadedConfig: Specifies the key name under which the backup file will be loaded. In this example, we are loading it under the HKEY_USERS root key with the name LoadedConfig.
  • C:\Backup\config_backup.reg: The path to the backup file that you want to load into the registry.

Example Output:

If the operation is successful, the command will not produce any output. You can then use other commands or tools to interact with the loaded key.

Use Case 7: Loading a backup file using a relative path

Instead of specifying the full path to the backup file, you can also use a relative path with the reg load command.


reg load HKLM\LoadedHive .\Backup\settings_backup.reg


Using a relative path can be convenient when the backup file is located in the same directory as the script or command you are executing. It avoids the need to provide the full file path every time.


  • HKLM\LoadedHive: Specifies the key under which the backup file will be loaded. In this example, we are loading it under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root key with the name LoadedHive.
  • .\Backup\settings_backup.reg: The relative path to the backup file that you want to load into the registry.

Example Output:

If the operation is successful, the command will not produce any output. You can then use other commands or tools to interact with the loaded key.

Use Case 8: Unloading a loaded key

After you have finished using a loaded key, you can unload it from the registry using the reg unload command.


reg unload HKU\LoadedHive


Unloading a loaded key is essential to free system resources and avoid potential conflicts or errors. It allows you to remove the key and its corresponding values from the registry.


  • HKU\LoadedHive: Specifies the key name or path of the loaded key that you want to unload.

Example Output:

If the operation is successful, the command will not produce any output. The loaded key will be removed from the registry.

These are eight different use cases of the reg load command in Windows. By leveraging this command, you can load backup files, create temporary keys for troubleshooting, load files into remote registries, modify different root keys and subkeys, and more. Understanding these use cases will give you greater control and flexibility in managing and working with the Windows registry.

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