How to use the command 'Remove-Item' (with examples)

How to use the command 'Remove-Item' (with examples)

The ‘Remove-Item’ command in PowerShell is used to delete files, folders, as well as registry keys and subkeys. It is a powerful command that allows you to remove specific items or perform bulk deletion operations.

Use case 1: Remove specific files or registry keys (without subkeys)


Remove-Item path\to\file_or_key1 , path\to\file_or_key2 ...

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you need to delete specific files or registry keys without removing their subkeys. It allows you to target and remove specific items quickly.

Explanation: The ‘Remove-Item’ command is used along with the path to the file or registry key that you want to remove. Multiple files or keys can be specified by separating them with commas.

Example output: The specified files or registry keys will be deleted without affecting their subkeys.

Use case 2: Remove hidden or read-only files


Remove-Item -Force path\to\file1 , path\to\file2 ...

Motivation: Sometimes, certain files may have the hidden or read-only attribute, which prevents them from being deleted. The ‘-Force’ argument allows you to remove these files forcefully.

Explanation: The ‘-Force’ argument is added before the path to the files you want to remove. It overrides any restrictions, such as hidden or read-only attributes, and deletes the files.

Example output: The specified hidden or read-only files will be deleted forcefully.

Use case 3: Remove specific files or registry keys interactively prompting before each removal


Remove-Item -Confirm path\to\file_or_key1 , path\to\file_or_key2 ...

Motivation: When dealing with critical files or registry keys, it is essential to double-check before deleting them. This use case provides an interactive prompt for confirmation before each removal.

Explanation: The ‘-Confirm’ argument enables interactive confirmation before deleting each specified file or registry key. PowerShell will prompt you for confirmation, allowing you to proceed or cancel the deletion.

Example output: PowerShell will display a confirmation prompt for each specified file or registry key, and you can choose whether to proceed with the deletion or cancel it.

Use case 4: Remove specific files and directories recursively (Windows 10 version 1909 or later)


Remove-Item -Recurse path\to\file_or_directory1 , path\to\file_or_directory2 ...

Motivation: When dealing with directories or folders, it is often necessary to delete all the files and subdirectories within them. The ‘-Recurse’ argument enables recursive deletion.

Explanation: The ‘-Recurse’ argument allows you to delete files and directories recursively. It removes not only the specified items but also any files and subdirectories contained within them.

Example output: The specified files and directories, along with all their contents, will be deleted recursively.

Use case 5: Remove specific Windows registry keys and all its subkeys


Remove-Item -Recurse path\to\key1 , path\to\key2 ...

Motivation: Windows registry keys often contain subkeys and values that are interconnected. When removing a registry key, it may be necessary to delete all its subkeys as well. The ‘-Recurse’ argument enables removal of the specified key and its subkeys.

Explanation: The ‘-Recurse’ argument, when used with registry keys, removes the specified key along with all its subkeys. It ensures that the entire branch of the registry is removed.

Example output: The specified registry keys and all their subkeys will be deleted from the Windows registry.

Use case 6: Perform a dry run of the deletion process


Remove-Item -WhatIf path\to\file1 , path\to\file2 ...

Motivation: It is sometimes helpful to simulate the deletion process without actually deleting any files. This use case allows you to perform a dry run and see what would happen without making any changes.

Explanation: The ‘-WhatIf’ argument is used to perform a simulated or dry run of the deletion process. It displays a list of files that would be deleted, but does not actually delete them.

Example output: PowerShell displays a list of files that would be deleted if the command was executed, but no actual changes are made to the file system.


The ‘Remove-Item’ command in PowerShell provides a versatile way to delete files, folders, and registry keys. With various arguments like ‘-Force’, ‘-Confirm’, ‘-Recurse’, and ‘-WhatIf’, you can tailor the command to suit your specific requirements. Whether you need to delete specific items, force removal, delete interactively, delete recursively, or perform a dry run, PowerShell’s ‘Remove-Item’ command has got you covered.

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