How to use the command 'repo-add' (with examples)

How to use the command 'repo-add' (with examples)

The ‘repo-add’ command is a package database maintenance utility that enables the installation of packages via Pacman in Arch Linux. It allows users to add package binaries to a specified database file. The command also provides several options to customize its behavior, such as removing the old database file, running in silent mode, and disabling color output.

Use case 1: Add all package binaries in the current directory and remove the old database file


repo-add --remove path/to/database.db.tar.gz *.pkg.tar.zst


This use case is useful when you want to update the package database with new packages and remove the old ones to ensure the database remains up to date. By using the --remove option, the old database file is automatically removed before adding the new packages.


  • repo-add: The name of the command.
  • --remove: This option removes the old database file before adding new packages.
  • path/to/database.db.tar.gz: The path to the database file where the packages will be added. This can be a new file or an existing one.
  • *.pkg.tar.zst: This is the pattern that matches all package binaries in the current directory. The command will add all the matched packages to the database file.

Example output:

The old database file is removed, and the new packages are added to the specified database file.

Use case 2: Add all package binaries in the current directory in silent mode except for warning and error messages


repo-add --quiet path/to/database.db.tar.gz *.pkg.tar.zst


Sometimes, you may want to execute the command silently without any unnecessary output. This use case is beneficial when running the command as part of a script or automation process. The --quiet option ensures that only warning and error messages are displayed.


  • --quiet: This option enables silent mode, suppressing regular output.
  • path/to/database.db.tar.gz: The path to the database file where the packages will be added.
  • *.pkg.tar.zst: The pattern that matches all package binaries in the current directory.

Example output:

The command runs silently, and only warning and error messages are displayed if any issues occur during the execution.

Use case 3: Add all package binaries in the current directory without showing color


repo-add --nocolor path/to/database.db.tar.gz *.pkg.tar.zst


If you prefer to disable color output in the command’s output, you can use the --nocolor option. This can be useful when viewing the output in a terminal that does not support color rendering or if you find the colored output distracting.


  • --nocolor: This option disables the use of color in the command’s output.
  • path/to/database.db.tar.gz: The path to the database file where the packages will be added.
  • *.pkg.tar.zst: The pattern that matches all package binaries in the current directory.

Example output:

The command runs without color in the output, providing a more straightforward and less visually distracting view of the process.


The ‘repo-add’ command is a versatile tool for maintaining package databases and adding new packages to them. With options like --remove, --quiet, and --nocolor, users can customize the behavior of the command to suit their needs. By following the provided examples and explanations, users can leverage the ‘repo-add’ command effectively to manage their package installations in Arch Linux.

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