How to Use the 'reptyr' Command (with Examples)

How to Use the 'reptyr' Command (with Examples)

The reptyr command is a powerful tool for Unix and Linux users who occasionally forget to run long-lived processes inside terminal multiplexers like screen or tmux. It allows you to transfer a running process from one terminal to another. This utility comes in handy when you accidentally run a process in a regular terminal and need to either disconnect from your current session or move the process without stopping it. By using reptyr, you can seamlessly continue the process from a different terminal, ensuring workflow continuity without interruption.

Use case 1: Move a Running Process to Your Current Terminal


reptyr pid


Imagine you’ve begun running a process that is expected to take a considerable amount of time to complete — for example, compiling a large program, downloading a significant amount of data, or running a long simulation. In a situation where you accidentally started this process directly in a terminal session without screen or tmux, you’d be unable to close your terminal or disconnect from your SSH session without terminating the task. This is where reptyr shines—it enables you to attach this long-running task to a screen or another terminal, giving you the ability to manage your session and still have your task persist across disconnects. By using reptyr, you ensure that your task continues uninterrupted, even if you need to log off or close your terminal.


In the command reptyr pid, the argument specified is pid, which represents the Process ID of the running process that you want to transfer to your terminal. The Process ID is a unique number assigned to every process when it starts. You can find out the PID of a process using commands like ps or pgrep. Once identified, you can use reptyr followed by the PID to take control of the process in your current terminal window.

Example Output:

Let’s say you identified a long-running process with a PID of 12345. After executing reptyr 12345, the process will be attached to your terminal. Once complete, you can manage it as if it had been originally started in your current terminal session. If you had been using a process like tail -f /var/log/syslog, you will immediately begin seeing the log output in your new session, as if the process had been running there all along.


The reptyr utility is an essential command for Linux users who regularly deal with long-running processes and need a reliable way to manage them across different terminal sessions. By allowing you to transfer running processes to different terminals, it adds a layer of flexibility and efficiency to your workflow. Whether you find yourself needing to redirect a critical task to a terminal multiplexer like screen or simply wish to keep a process alive as you disconnect from a system, reptyr provides the mechanism to do so with ease. Embracing reptyr in your command-line toolbox can significantly streamline your terminal management, ensuring that crucial processes continue without interruption.

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